One More Girl Milerro FCI  (7/9/2013-)

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Call name:"India"
Country of origin:Poland
Breeder:Milena Rozalska
Owner:Ryszard Michalik
Hip clearance:HD A
Elbow clearance:ED 0/0


One More Girl Milerro FCI
Int.Ch, J.Ch.Pl,Cz, Ch.Pl,Dt,VDH,Cz,Sk,H Kassander of Bridge Four
INT.Ch, Belg.Ch Gatchells Man of Honour Jun.Clubwinn 2003
Eng. SH. CH. Golmas Governor JW
Eng.Sh.Ch. Gatchells Royal Orchid JW
Ch.& Uk Sh.Ch. Highlight of Bridge Four Dutch Clubwinner
International, French, Luxembourg Ch. Taram du Bois de la Rayere
Gatchells Promise of Pearls
Junior Champion PL, Polish Junior Winner 2011, CH BLG BARBIE DOLL Anarchia Box FCI
Interchamp.C.I.E. PL JCh.,Ch.PL,Jun.ClubWinner'10 Dewmist Severiano Multi Ch.
INT CH, FR/PT/LUX/DK/NORW/SWE CH Mitcharron Love Bug of Francosvaley
Swe.Sh.Ch Dewmist Serenissima Obedience Champion
Jun. Champ. PL, Champ. PL,Vet.Ch.Pl DYSKRECJA Zloto z Wyspy
Ch.Pl. VA BANQUE Kwintesencja
BESSY Zloto Marty