Camelot's Traces of the Future CD  (1/26/1977-1988)

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Call name:"Traci"
Country of origin:USA
Registration:AKC SC128364
Breeder:Susan Taylor
Owner:Patricia Herschman & Susan Taylor
Cause of death:cancer


Camelot's Traces of the Future CD
Am. CH. Misty Morn's Sunset CD TD WC OS SDHF
Am. CH. Sunset's Happy Duke OS
Am CH Cragmount's Peter OS SDHF
Glen Willow's Happy Talk OD
Amber Lady Of Tercor Farm
Am./Can. CH. Cragmount's Double Eagle
Am. CH. Cragmount's Golden Wallis
Beckwith's Beta Of Spindrift CD OD
Am. CH. Beckwith's Tallyho CDX OS
Am. CH. Milaur's Baal Benefactor CD OS
Beckwith's Wildwing Feather
Am. CH. Beckwith's Malagold Omega WC OD
Am./Can./Mex. CH. Beckwith's Copper Ingot OS
Am./Can. CH. Beckwith's Frolic of Yeo Am./Can. CDX OD