Commodus The King Von Grand Fortune  (7/28/2011-)

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Call name:"King"
Country of origin:Other
Registration:FCI PERKIN 01-K7444
Owner:David (Yogyakarta) +6281804222501


Commodus The King Von Grand Fortune
ajay von bumi mulya
CAN.TH.CH. Beausoleil Brishna
Am.Can. CH Oriana My Quantum Leap Am.Can. CD, CGC
CanCH Beausoleil Belle Sherahazade
SS 93'S Esmeralda Illene
Ina.Ch. Gold Rush Bogart
Dancingate Jaspery Aida
evelyn von laurentia
CAN.TH.CH. Beausoleil Brishna
Am.Can. CH Oriana My Quantum Leap Am.Can. CD, CGC
CanCH Beausoleil Belle Sherahazade
Gaby Von Laurentia
A. Housse Von Hofodo
Henesia of King Wally