Regalgoldens Forget Me Not  (4/4/2014-)

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Call name:"Faith"
Country of origin:Canada
Registration:CKC BG549354
Breeder:Kerri Christman
Owner:Kerri Christman
Web site:
Hip clearance:BVA 4/3 #15-154556 (Oct 13 2015)
Eye clearance:OFA GR-EYE7790/50F-PI (6/18)
Heart clearance:OFA GR-CA27956/12F/C-VPI
Elbow clearance:BVA 0/0 #15-154556 (Oct 13 2015)
PRA status:Clear (unrecognized registry #16543)


Regalgoldens Forget Me Not
CanCH Bonett Bride El Paso
Int. Ch. Xanthos Mondriaan SGWC CCA
Dutch Ch, Dutch, Lux-, German Junior Champion Sultan Of Sand v.d. Beerse Hoeve JW A'dam 07,Bundesjgdsieger 07,Clubjgdsieger 07
Xanthos Foreign Affaire
H JCH, HR JCH, CRO JCH, Multi CH CIE & CIB Bonett Bride Blue Moon
ICH, MCH, MJCH, CZ Club CH, NordJW 2007 Pinkerly Quien Sabe Club winner, Club Junior win., Winner of
Multi CH CIE & CIB Bossa Nova de Ria Vela Working BIS, res.Working BIS
CanCH Wind Lovin' Day'N Night
HCh. BgCh. MneCh. MkCh. Shamrock Diamonds in Silk
Vice-WW'06, Swe Sh Ch, Norw Ch, Pl Ch, Lv Ch Dewmist Silkventure SweW-06-07-08-09, LvW-07
EUVW'10, HCH, HSCH, HJCH, HVCH, HRVCH Dewmist Diamonds Are Forever
HJCh. HSCh. Wind Lovin' Bliss Blossom Clubwinner'11+BIS
WW'09'11, EW'07'08, JEW'05, Int CH, Multi CH Dewmist Silk Screen Working Test, Middle European Winner 2006
VWW'13. HVCH. HSCh. HJCh. Sunnyfield's All My Lovin' Clubwinner 2009 + BOB +R.BIS