Young's Cooper CGC, UD, RE  (5/2/1997-3/21/2007)

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Call name:"Cooper"
Country of origin:USA
Registration:AKC SN440787/04
Breeder:Judy Kaiser
Owner:Christy Young
Cause of death:Lymphoma


Young's Cooper CGC, UD, RE
Big Sky Smoke'N Rocket SH
FC AFC Mioak's Smoke'n Zeke OS FDHF
FC AFC Topbrass Windbreaker Zap OS FDHF
Mioak's Sparklin' Jezebel WCX *** OD
Ponderosa's Outlaw Jesse
Trailcreeks Bump of Idaho
Ponderosa's Golden Brandy
Duck Busters Out Of The Mist
Golden Son XVII
Sir Golden Buff IV
Lady Golden Dawn XI
Lady Asker Of Sycamore Grove
Sir Boo of Golden Pride
Misty Golden Dawn XIV