Beyond Kennel's Tiffany  (4/29/2014-)

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Call name:"Tiffany"
Country of origin:China


Beyond Kennel's Tiffany
AmCH PRC-CH The 1st's Happy Hour
Kor.CH. April N The 1st's Bright Sunshine
BISS Am. Ch. Faera's Starlight OS
Hytree N April's Pedal To The Medal
KOR.CH The 1st's Golden Glory
Am. CH Nautilus King of the Jungle
The 1st's Queen's Peace
BOSS PRC-CH/CN-CH Android HF Of Jin Ling Shija Kennel
MBIS MBISS INT.NGT KOR.CH. Khan's Second Story of July Avenue FCI
Am Kor Tw CH Gorca's Maximus Gladiator OS
KOR Ch. Jennifer Aniston of July Avenue
Wyoming's Put On Hold ''Busy'' Bee
BIS BISS Am CH Summits MR. Bojangles OS SDHF
Am CH /Int CH Snowshoe's Wyoming Hearthrob CGC