Moonstone's Sassy Cat CD  (11/19/1960-)

Call name:
Country of origin:Unknown
Registration:AKC SA65923
Breeder:Irene Mulvey & James Bromley
Owner:James D. Bromley


Moonstone's Sassy Cat CD
Shewatuck Flame's Demon CDX
Golden Bonanza Of Pine Ledge
Am. CH. Golden Buck Of Pine Ledge
Forty-Nina of Pine Ledge
Am. CH. Ruanme Dancing Flame CD
Am. CH. Ruanme Yankee Clipper
Golden Knoll's Tonkabelle OD
Shewatuck Copper Kitten CD
Golden Bonanza Of Pine Ledge
Am. CH. Golden Buck Of Pine Ledge
Forty-Nina of Pine Ledge
AmCH Ruanme Yankee Miss CD
Golden Knoll's Headliner
Golden Knoll's Tonkabelle OD