Ontulele Flash Gordan  (12/4/2011-)

Call name:
Country of origin:Other
Registration:Other E(a) 4425
Breeder:B. E. Davis
Owner:B. E. Davis


Ontulele Flash Gordan
E. A. Ch Ontulele Rolls Royce
Heathfield Magician
Lyall Shamus
Heathfield Ebony
Ontulele Nelly Nightjar
EA Ch Tidesreach Viking to Lynquest at Ontulele
Ontulele Good Gracious
Ontulele Vision-n-Velvet
E. A. Dual CH Lenches Marmaduke at Ontulele
Tiger Tiger of Carpenny
Lenches Miss Maybelle
Ontulele Pumpkin Pie
E.A. CH Lenches Gladstone at Ontulele
E. A. CH Ontulele Fi Fie Foe Fum