Labyrinth The Luv Flows Jordan CGN SDIN SDN  (12/5/2015-11/24/2024)

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Call name:"Jordan"
Country of origin:Canada
Registration:CKC WA270727CY
Breeder:Nancy Bongard - Labyrinth Kennels
Owner:Jill Baker
Cause of death:Hemangiosarcoma


Labyrinth The Luv Flows Jordan CGN SDIN SDN
CanCH Labyrinth's Legacy In Memories CGN
Can. Ch. Acaciagold Who's On First
BISS/BVISS Can Ch. Amberview's Seize The Day CD CGC
Can. Ch. Amberview Island Secret
Labyrinth's Legacy of Tazz
RBIS Can. Ch. Amberview's Brave Heart SDHF
Labyrinth's Spirit of Tazz
Labyrinth Spirit's Sixth Sense
Can. Ch. Stormynights Leap of Faith
Devanor The Winds of Change
Can. Ch. / BPISS Amberview's Kimberly's Vision OD CGC
Labyrinth Quintesential Spirit
BPISS CanCH Happy Acres Sky's The Limit Am CD NAP Can CDX AgN SADC
Labyrinth Indelible Spirit