Palabras Quibble  (4/12/2004-)

Call name:
Country of origin:Unknown
Registration:FCI FIN30621/04
Breeder:Hannele Jokisilta
Hip clearance:FCI B/B
Elbow clearance:0:0


Palabras Quibble
CIB Rocheby Smokescreen
Rocheby Old Smokey
Rocheby Navy Blue
Sh Ch Rocheby Polkadot
Follytower Sky Lark over Rocheby
C.C.W. Cannonridge Jackdaw
Sh Ch Follytower Pandora At Rocheby
Palabras Kanebo
CH.NOR Birchbrook Barley Wine of Charway
EngCH Cambremer Tom Cobbley of Charway
Eng Sh Ch Birchbrook Victoria Plum
FinCH Tweedledum Palabras Cleo
Am CH Dickendall Arnold
Tweedledum Mascara