Salto Anima Libera  (2/11/2016-)

Call name:
Country of origin:Other
Breeder:Ekaterina Marinenko, kennel Anima Libera


Salto Anima Libera
JChBLR, JChBreed, ChBLR, ChBreed, GrChBLR Dewmist Silvestro
INT CH, FR/PT/LUX/DK/NORW/SWE CH Mitcharron Love Bug of Francosvaley
Linchael Orpheus of Rossgilde
Mitcharron Memphis Jazz
Swe.Sh.Ch Dewmist Serenissima Obedience Champion
SU(U)CH NORDV-03 NUCH, VWW-08 Erinderry Gaelic Minstrel
Vice-WW'03, ChSwe, Den, Pl, Lv Dewmist Shaquille LvW'07
JChBLR, JChBreed, 8хChBLR, ChBreed, GrChBLR Anita My Wings
Ch UA, Ch BLR Kanrit Daly Last Temptation
Ch & JChRus&ClubCh. Moondust Rockefeller
JCh BLR Kanrit Daly Free Love
Alisa Samiy Luchshiy Drug
InterCh. MultCh, GrChUa, ChUa, Mol, Bye, Rus Victoria's Secret Ray of the Sun
Mirtsa Samiy Luchshiy Drug