Jin Gang Zi Ross  (12/16/2015-)

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Call name:"罗斯"
Country of origin:China
Web site:http://1271065845.qzone.qq.com/


Jin Gang Zi Ross
Jahn Kaluosi of Jin Huang Shou Huo Kennel
C Utopia of Jin Qiu Ye Kennel
Sritong's Timberline Jade
Ainita of Jin Qiu Ye Kennel
E-BIG Aimy of GoldenSHELL Kennel
AM/CN CH. Wyoming Perfect Oneeyed Jack
Int/Can Ch Origin's Light Up Your Heart BPIS
Nadia Kaluolina of Jin Chong Kennel
D Count of Jin Se Kennel
BIS.CN.CH Cadix Of Jin Se Kennel
Orle of Golden Crown Kennel
A-Pink of I Love My Dog Kennel
Jp CH. Fujizakura JP's Al You need Is Love
Littlepig of golden Crown kennel