Rusty's Heir Apparent  (4/18/1963-)

Call name:
Country of origin:USA
Registration:AKC SA209522 (8/71)
Breeder:Mattie Haliburton
Owner:Monty P Greene


Rusty's Heir Apparent
Sun Dance's Rocket CD
Am. CH. Lakeside Thor CD
Am. CH. Indian Knoll's Roc-Cloud UD OS OBHF
Am. CH. Sidram Shady Lady CDX ** OD
Bluebell's Golden Vixen CD
Am. CH. Golden Knoll's Shur Shot II
Sun Dance's Sunny CD
Langroad Beauty
Rushfaith Major
Eng. CH. Nikolai of Elsiville
Rushfaith Betty
Rushfaith Louie