Sunshine Copper's Dutch  (11/15/2015-)

Call name:"DUTCH"
Country of origin:USA
Registration:AKC SR90654601
Breeder:Susan & Steve Scherber, Sunshine Goldens, WI
Owner:Christopher and Meaghan Munson
Web site:http:/


Sunshine Copper's Dutch
Choctaw's Yukon Copper Penny MH61 MNH4 WCX ** OS HTHF
Buckshot's Yukon Bontonbeau MH MNH3 WCX **
Buckshot Beau's Bauer MH OS
Buckshot's Bon Ton Roulez SH OD
Choctaw's Penny Lane JH
FC AFC Glenhaven HTRS MN Baronet MH OS FDHF
Choctaw Deerwoods Hellsbells
Sunshine Yukon's Amazing Baby
High Times Headm Up Movem Out MH
High Times Hot Shot Hawkins MH OS
High Times Good Golly Miss Molly MH WCX OD
HRCH UH Sunshine Golden Princess II
Buckshot's Yukon Bontonbeau MH MNH3 WCX **
Sunshine Back To The Future JH