BLUE RAY Kreuzburg

(test breeding entered 9/2016)


BLUE RAY Kreuzburg
CIB Multi.CH. Simandem Silversmith at Rocheby
Eng Sh Ch Silver Suede Over Rocheby
Int. Ch., NLCh, FRCh Ahti Aspen of Finnwoods
Bridgeford Crystal Clear Over Rocheby
Rocheby Ice Dance at Simandem
Sh Ch Rocheby State Occasion
Rocheby Ice
Lara Kreuzburg
Nzoro Leminiscatus
INTCH, CHPL MŁCHPL Strongline's Kernel
Pl Ch Tiga Pod Jablonia
Janet Z Niedzwiedziej Gawry
Avalon's Tap The Rockies BB
Dorka z Babske Skaly CS