Epoch's Let it Be  (7/7/2013-12/2020)

Call name:"Brady"
Country of origin:USA
Registration:AKC SR79396703
Breeder:Cynthia Skiba
Owner:Douglas Burton
Hip clearance:OFA LR-218232G29M-VPI
Eye clearance:OFA LR-EYE5226/46M-VPI (5/17)
Heart clearance:OFA LR-CA7784/14M/C-VPI-ECHO
Elbow clearance:OFA LR-EL70792M29-VPI
PRA status:Clear (unrecognized registry LR-PRA1096/15M-VPI)


Epoch's Let it Be
Ch Fortune's Blueprint
Banbury Vincent
AmCH Pucketts Andre At Dickendall
Banbury's After While Crocodile
CH Dickendall Buckstone Blooper
Dickendall Buckstone Remember JH, CGC
AmCH Dickendall Buckstone Lobelia WC
Epochs Treasure
BISS AmCH Wilcare Leisure Suit Larry JH WC
BISS AmCH Lubberline Pumpernickle
AmCH Willcare's Godiva JH
AmCH Epoch's Brown Baggin'
Bonaventure Lubberline Viscount
Epochs Oreo Cookie