Amigo vom Zottbachtal  (3/28/1997-)

Call name:
Country of origin:Germany
Hip clearance:A2
Eye clearance:clear 2005
Elbow clearance:0


Amigo vom Zottbachtal
Dt.-JCh.(LCD), Dt.-Ch. Dt.-Ch.(LCD), VDH-Ch., Int.-Ch Buddy vom Grafenrain WT, BHP, BLP, SpJGP, LSP
DRC-/Nl./VDH-/LCD-CH. Sunny Loch My Mystery Man
GB SH CH Heatherbourne Court Jester
NL Ch Sunny Loch's Kinlochgowrae
VDH Ch Quenta von Ballycorner
Boothgates Medallist
Balrion Lady Be Good
DRC-/VDH-CH. Up-to-Date Madam of Blackwood Castle
WW-90 DK UCH VDH CH INT UCH Dee-Fair Amazing Fame WT, BHP, BLP, Brugspr.
WW-86 SUCH DKUCH VDHCH INTUCH Sandylands Night Flight
Aroscas Amazing Miss
DRC-/VDH-CH. Quick Big Lady of Blackwood Castle
Int.Ch./Lux.Ch./J.W./Dt.Ch./VDH-Ch./?ster. Bundes Charway Blackjack BHP, BLP, JEP
Dt.-Ch., VDH-Ch. Wesko Trudi of Elterwater