Golden Diamonds Californication  (6/26/2016-)

Call name:"Eduardo"
Country of origin:Unknown
Owner:Felipe Rayk


Golden Diamonds Californication
Goldentrip Paparazzi
Col Ch Sun's Bay Golden Trip On The Rocks
MBIS Ar Br Pan CH Nautilus Fox Mulder
BrJrCh. BrCh. BrGrCh. Goodtime's A Little Rock n Roll
Goldentrip I Wanna Bad Romance
BIS BISS Br Ch/Can Ch/Ina Ch/Pan Ch Sun's Bay Goldentrip Blueberry
Goldentrip Sweet angel II
Golden Trip Loves In The Air (SPA/12/08344)
Am CH/ Br CH. Rosecrest Summit The Apprentice
BIS BISS Am CH Summits MR. Bojangles OS SDHF
AmCH Rosecrest Million Dollar Mermaid
Goldentrip Sweet Return
Bras.Ch Golden Trip's Victory Thunder King Ovation
Golden Trip's Forever My Girl