Priderocks Passion For Mischief  (9/11/2015-)

Call name:
Country of origin:USA
Registration:AKC SR89894601
Eye clearance:OFA LR-EYE12462/20F-VPI (5/17)


Priderocks Passion For Mischief
GCH Rebellion's Mischief In Me WCX CA JH CGC
CH Tabatha's Borador Dance With The Devil
Boradors Smoke House
Tabatha's Intensify
Rebellion's Artemis Agrotera Tou Olympia JH
CH Devanley's Grand Canyon
Rebellions Keeper Of The Stars CD, JH
Priderocks Passionate Scene
Shamrock Acres Rhumba Man
Rumblingridg Finn Mccool
Shamrock Acres Some Like It Hot
Shamrock Acres Wingbeat
CH Rumblingridge Mi Vaquero
Pearl Valley Summer Wind