Hyspire Maritime A Bit of the Bubbly  (10/3/2013-)

Call name:"Fizz"
Country of origin:USA
Registration:AKC SR80037901
Breeder:Hyspire Knl and Maritime
Web site:http://www.maritimelabs.com
Hip clearance:OFA LR-221631G32F
Elbow clearance:LR-EL73651F32
PRA status:Clear


Hyspire Maritime A Bit of the Bubbly
Am GCH CH Hyspire Bohemian Rhapsody From Breckin
AM CH PL CH EUW-10 Arlon Hyspire Bohemian Ink
AmCH Tullamore's Toblerone
CH Temeku's India Ink
AmCH Breckin Hyspire Promiscuous Girl
MBISS AmGCH Sure Shot Hyspire Impressive WC
Breckin's Phoebe CGC
GCH. Hyspire Feelin Bubbly
AmCH HySpire Adrenaline Rush
MBISS AmCH Boradors By George CGC
Hyspire Cavanaugh
Riverlane Hyspire Savannah
Am CH Valleywood Blackthorn Brier
HySpire Riverlane's Lilith