Higgins vom Fallenbergs-Hof  (4/21/2008-)

Call name:
Honorifics:epileptiform seizures. Quelle: http://blogging-dexter.blogspot.com/search/label/Gesundheit?updated-
Country of origin:Germany
Registration:FCI LCD 08/P0547
Breeder:Theo Fallenberg
Hip clearance:FCI A2/A2
Elbow clearance:FCI 0/0


Higgins vom Fallenbergs-Hof
Irish Coffee aus Lühlsbusch
Iron Man Draco Minor
SK Grand CH Samson du Taillis Madame
Storie Du Bois des Lilas
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Dt.Ch./Int.Ch./VDH-Ch. Warringah's Cobb BHP, JP/R, BLP, JEP
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Aska vom Fallenbergs-Hof
Dt.Ch./Int.Ch./VDH-Ch. Warringah's Cobb BHP, JP/R, BLP, JEP
EngCH Cambremer Tom Cobbley of Charway
GB.Ch Warringah's Whortleberry
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VDH Ch. Franz-Josef aus Lühlsbusch
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