Winston and Elle

(test breeding entered 1/2019)


Winston and Elle
UCI Nat & Int CH Alexander Of Berkeley
UCI Nat & Int JR CH, UCI Int CH Ashbury-Gentle'Man
Int.Ch. Marybel Star Stream TAN, Selectif A and B
SWISS CH Ashbury Art Of Love TAN and Selectif A and B
UCI Nat & Int CH Lake Country Maggy
UCI Nat. & Int. CH Zampanzar Silver Rain
JRCH Russia, JR CH NKP, CH Russia Rus Pekos Chudesnaya Fantaziya
Hillsong Goldens Deep South Elle
Santana Butterfly Z Karczewich Szuwarow
PL Ch., PL Junior Ch. Summeramba Countdown PL Winner'09, '10
JCh. PL Nicole Butterfly z Karczewskich Szuwarow
UCI Nat & Int CH Magic Moment Of Clear Passion
Romanian & Serbian Ch. Another Masterpiece of Clear Passion
ROM CH,SERB CH. Evidence of Love of Clear Passion