Kier-Ken's Bust Your Buttons  (12/9/1962-)

Call name:
Country of origin:USA
Registration:AKC SA237770 (12/64)
Breeder:Melba & Don P Klepzig
Owner:Bessie Gerhke


Kier-Ken's Bust Your Buttons
Indian Knoll's Niagara Scout
Am. CH. Rocky Of Holland Farm
AmCH Rockhaven Rio
Am./Can. CH. Rockhaven Regina OD
Am. CH. Indian Knoll's Copper Charm
Am. CH. Gilder of Elsiville OS
Am. CH. Indian Knoll's Ruby Clipper
Indian Knoll's Sherry Sioux
Am. CH. Indian Knoll's Roc-N-Rye
Am. CH. Rocky Of Holland Farm
Indian Knoll's Misty
Am. CH. Indian Knoll's Pink Lady
Am. Dual CH AFC Cresta Gold Rip DDHF
Cresta Gold Spirchester