SH Atlantic's Gunning The Grand Passage At Telluride CD BN RN JH DJ CGCA TKN  (11/21/2013-)

Call name:"Tymber"
Country of origin:USA
Registration:AKC SR81159805
Breeder:Debbie Weinman
Owner:Elaine Capone
Web site:Telluridelabradors
Hip clearance:OFA LR-218402G25M-VPI
Eye clearance:OFA LR-EYE5390/60M-VPI (11/18)
Heart clearance:OFA LR-CA7859/12M/C-VPI-ECHO
Elbow clearance:OFA LR-EL70933M25-VPI


SH Atlantic's Gunning The Grand Passage At Telluride CD BN RN JH DJ CGCA TKN
Am GCH CH Hyspire Bohemian Rhapsody From Breckin
AM CH PL CH EUW-10 Arlon Hyspire Bohemian Ink
AmCH Tullamore's Toblerone
CH Temeku's India Ink
AmCH Breckin Hyspire Promiscuous Girl
MBISS AmGCH Sure Shot Hyspire Impressive WC
Breckin's Phoebe CGC
Atlantic's Lily Belle
AM. CH. Bellwethers Thunderbird via Lobuff
MBISS AmCH Boradors By George CGC
Lobuff Hollyridge Sure'll Crow
AmGCH CH Atlantic's Little Bo Peep JH
BISS Am CH Lobuff Bobwhite At Chucklebrook
Atlantic's Little Miss Magic