
Golden Retriever

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Full siblings of Zibells Red Hot Chief (7/26/1995-)

(This list may not be comprehensive. This list only contains those dogs in the database which have the same sire and dam as this dog. Dogs that have not been entered into the database will not appear in this list.)

Tess of the D'Urbervilles IX (5/23/1994-) [OFA GR-65699F62F-T]
Red Devil Raisin in the Sun (7/26/1995-)
Cricket's Dawn Of A New Era (7/26/1995-)
Anny Of Turtle Lake (7/26/1995-)
Rockin S's Wild Rose Starr (7/26/1995-)
G And G's Blaze (7/26/1995-)
Kal's Red Hot Reba (7/26/1995-)
Newell's Maggie Mae (7/26/1995-)
Koenig's Golden Max (7/26/1995-)
Berry's Hat Trick Ranger (7/26/1995-)
Ry Vigilante Dawg Cooder (7/26/1995-)
Otiernagog's Red Maggie Max (5/23/1994-)
Cricket's Sowega Magic (5/23/1994-)
Cricket's Dream Chaser (5/23/1994-)
General Rufus King (5/23/1994-)
Wild Mountain Mason (5/23/1994-)
Cranwood's Chatterbox (5/23/1994-)

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