
Golden Retriever

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Full siblings of Divagold de Ria Vela (10/31/2011-)

(This list may not be comprehensive. This list only contains those dogs in the database which have the same sire and dam as this dog. Dogs that have not been entered into the database will not appear in this list.)

SV JW-12 Blackjon de Ria Vela (10/31/2011-) [B/C]
VDH/Dt./RSM/HR/PL Ch. Ginger Gold de Ria Vela (10/31/2011-) [FCI B2]
Dt.Ch.Club / Dt.Ch.VDH / RSM Ch. / Pl.Ch / Dt.Vet.Ch.VDH Cameo de Ria Vela (DRC Clubwinner 2014) (10/31/2011-9/3/2024) [FCI A1/A1]
Starking de Ria Vela (10/31/2011-)
Treasury Ria Vela
SLO CH, INT SH CH Royal Gala de Ria Vela MW?13 (1/10/2011-) [BVA 5-4]
Eng Ch Tesoro de Ria Vela for Thornywait JW (8/25/2009-) [BVA 5/7]
True Love de Ria Vela (8/25/2009-) [BVA 8-6]
Tutti Frutti de Ria Vela (8/25/2009-)
C.I.E. , SPA CH Tarantino de Ria Vela (8/25/2009-) [BVA 7-7]
Vice VWW'18 Multi BISS, Multi BVISS, SPA/INT/GBZ CH, SPA Vet CH Toscana Moon de Ria Vela to Grey Goose TOP RETRIEVER IN SPAIN 2011 & 2017 (8/25/2009-) [BVA 4-4]

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