
Golden Retriever

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Full siblings of Lycinan's Polar Bear Plunge (1/14/2016-)

(This list may not be comprehensive. This list only contains those dogs in the database which have the same sire and dam as this dog. Dogs that have not been entered into the database will not appear in this list.)

CH U-GRCH SHR Lycinan Gracie's As Time Goes By CD BN RAE TDX TDU JH WC CCA VCX (9/11/2016-) [OFA GR-124169G26M-VPI]
HR Lycinan's Ski the Fall Line MH WCX CCA (9/11/2016-)
Lycinan's Get Busy Living BN CGCA TKI CCA (9/11/2016-)
Lycinan Chantelle Made to Order (1/14/2016-) [OFA GR-122474G28F-VPI]
Lycinan's Trail Blazing Ranger CD BN RN CGCA CGCU CCA TKI (9/11/2016-) [OFA GR-127633G38M-VPI]
SHR Lycinan's Can't Stop the Rayne UD GO CCA (11/16/2017-) [OFA GR-129892G32F-VPI]
Lycinan's Go With the Flow UD WC CCA (11/16/2017-)
Lycinan's Captain Marvelous CD RA CGCA TKN (9/11/2016-)
UKC CH Lycinan's Jiminy Cricket CGC TKI (1/14/2016-) [OFA GR-121276G24M-VPI]
Lycinan's Pink Panther JH RE WC (9/11/2016-) [OFA GR-123559G24F-VPI]
Lycinan's Outta' The Blue TD SH AX OAJ OF WC CCA (1/14/2016-) [OFA GR-121721G25F-VPI]

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