
Golden Retriever

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Full siblings of Duso's I Walk The Line ** MH (6/5/2017-)

(This list may not be comprehensive. This list only contains those dogs in the database which have the same sire and dam as this dog. Dogs that have not been entered into the database will not appear in this list.)

Duso's Rising To The Second Wind (3/31/2016-) [OFA GR-124099E31M-VPI]
FC AFC Duso's Not Fade Away (3/31/2016-) [OFA GR-129455G24M-VPI]
Duso's Dublin JH (3/31/2016-)
Duso's Admiral Digby Of Ns CGC (3/31/2016-)
Aquilo's Everlasting Journey From Duso (3/31/2016-) [OFA GR-122271G24M-VPI]
Dusos Double Trouble MH (3/31/2016-)
OTCH2 Duso Is The Key To Phoenix Rising UDX OM3 OBHF (6/5/2017-)
FTCH Wyatt XXX *** (6/5/2017-) [OFA GR-129370G36M-VPI]
Duso's Baker's Dozen QA2 (3/31/2016-)
Duso's Ora SH (6/5/2017-)
Duso's Nonstop Action Jackson (3/31/2016-)
Duso's Holeshot Moto (3/31/2016-) [OFA GR-122506G25M-NOPI]
Duso's Quest Over the Rainbow RN JH ACT1 TKI WC ** (6/5/2017-)

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