
Golden Retriever

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Al-Rozzy Golden Brenda

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Al-Rozzy Golden Brenda (AKC SA762767 (8/70))
Al Rozzy Golden Cleopatre (AKC SA559463 (5/70))
Alti Rozzy Golden Tinker (AKC SA382650 (5/68))
AFC Sunshine Cake FDHF (AKC S-699147 (12/57))
Gunnermans Proper OD (AKC S744947 (10-56))
Chips of Gold OS (AKC S428915 (3/51))
Gunnerman's Duchess II (AKC S626655 (12/1954))
Gunnerman's Tigo ** (AKC S46678)
Ruanme Goldie (AKC S704656 (8/56))
Am. CH. Ruanme Yankee Clipper (AKC S517460 (6/52))
Ruanme Bunker Hill (AKC S517461 (6/52))
Ruanme Colonial Dame (AKC S517464 (6/52))
Ruanme Connecticut Yankee (AKC S517459 (6/52))
Ruanme Green Mountain Boy (AKC S517457 (6/52))
Ruanme Minute Man (AKC S517458 (6/52))
Ruanme Concord Bridge UD (AKC S517462 (6/52))
Ruanme Boston Tea Party (AKC S517465 (6/52))
Ruanme Salem Witch (AKC S517463 (6/52))
Ruanme Golden Jezebel (AKC S658350 (9/1954))
Gilda's Gayling Of Ruanme (AKC S614447 (6/1954))
Ruanme Trail Blazer (AKC S563817 (8/56))
Alrozzy Golden Tina (AKC SA227046 (5/68))
Tigathoe's Straw (AKC SA224828 (1/67))
Cheswold's Golden Miss Muffet (AKC SA230238 (12/1966))
Al-Ti-Rozzy Pat-a-Cake II (AKC SA092617 (4/1963))
Sycamore Farm Leander (AKC SA101915 (3/67))
Tigathoe's Pat-a-Cake (AKC S909080 (5/1959))
Aureal Wood's Standish (AKC S909084 (6/1961))
Sycamore Farm Aquabelle (AKC S-844190 (2/1959))
Am. CH. Gairlee's Golden Aphrodite (AKC S818483 (10/1958))
Gairlee's Little Vulcan (AKC S818477 (6/1959))
Gairlees Golden Zeus (AKC S818476 (10/1960))
Am. CH. Tigathoe's Brass Tacks * OS (AKC S633248 (10/55))
Trollgaard Pumpkin (AKC S663246 (6/56))
Trollgaard Tricks Or Treat (AKC S633249 (4/56))
Trollgaard Harvest Fair (AKC S633250 (12/55))
Macopin Donga (AKC S518878 (6/52))
Macopin Golden Ducat ** (AKC S357303 (4/1950))
Bobby (S373323) (AKC S373323 (6/50))
Partner's Choice (AKC S441094 (5/51))
Macopin Amber (AKC S518803 (6/52))
Macopin Brother Ben (AKC S518885 (6/52))
Macopin Eve (AKC S518846 (6/52))
Macopin Imperial (AKC S518882 (6/52))
Macopin Mica (AKC S518880 (6/52))
Macopin Peter The Great (AKC S518877 (6/52))
Macopin Robin Hood II (AKC S518881 (6/52))
Macopin Topaz (AKC S518884 (6/52))
Macopin Golden Topper (AKC S518879 (6-52))
Robin's Golden Timothy (AKC S354810 (3/50))
Jones' Champagne (AKC S357302 (4/50))

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