K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Brufinn Hera

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Brufinn Hera (0/0)
Brufinn Harmonia (0/0)
Brufinn Hebe (0/0)
Brufinn Hestia (0/0)
Brufinn Hades (0/0)
Brufinn Hedone (0/0)
Brufinn Hypnos (0/0)
Brufinn Hephaestus (0/0)
Brufinn Herakles (0/0)
Brufinn Hermes (0/0)
Camelot Palabras Pb And Jelly (0/0)
Camelot's Jelly Bean Bandit (OFA Normal)
BISS AmCH Wiscoys Robin (OFA LR-EL27057M24-PI)
Am Ch Camelot Snowdnhill Jellyroll JH (OFA Normal)
Snowdnhill Camelot Geraldine JH (Normal)
Palabras Jungle Fever (0:0)
INT CH Palabras Blue Bayo (1/1)
Int. Ch. Palabras Blue Blood (0:0)
FIN Ch Palabras Black Is Black (FCI 1/0)
FinCH Tweedledum Palabras Cleo (0/0)
Tweedledum Clubburger
Tweedledum Crunchy Snack
Tweedledum Crew Only
DE VDH/LCD CH CS(LCD)'02 Tweedledum Crispy Duck (FCI 0/0)
Tweedledum Curtain Call (0/0)
Tweedledum Calling Texas
Minaros Easy To Catch (0/0)
Sheabourne's Finigan Rainbow (OFA LR-EL36752M24-VPI)
FIN Ch Saskian Ariel (0/0)
Saskian Anastasia (0/0)
CIB, FIN Ch, SE(U)Ch, RU, BALT Ch Saskian Akela (FCI 0/0)
Evening's Kind Kybele (0/0)
Mallorn's Romeo (0/0)
EST CH LV CH Mallorn's Rosabrandy (0/0)
RU CH BG CH Mallorn's Rosamunda (0/0)
Mallorn's Ronaldo (0/0)
Mallorn's Rooster
Mallorn's Rosalita
Mallorn's Rosalyn
Mallorn's Rosanna (0/1)
Evening's Fetching Fay (0:0)

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