
Golden Retriever

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Tigathoe's Tempest

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Tigathoe's Tempest
Tigathoe's Mistral
Winden Reign's Chilly Storm
Tigathoe's Tidal Rip
Am. CH. Wildwing's Stormy ** OS
Glor-Loral Tiger Gal
Tigerdale's Top Banana
Tigerdale's Tweedle Dee
Tigerdale's Trip
Tigerdale's Tweedle Dum CDX
FC AFC Stilrovin Luke Adew FDHF
Stilrovin Hody Hall
Stilrovin Delta Index
FC AFC FTCH Stilrovin Tuppee Tee FDHF (10.5 years)
FC AFC Stilrovin Savannah Gay FDHF
Stilrovin Jersey Brown **
Stilrovin Far Daw WC
Stilrovin Shantytown
Stilrovin Whitey Barker
Stilrovin Doristown
Stilrovin Kathy-K OD ***
Stilrovin Slip McCabe ***
Am. CH. Golden Honey Of Hawthorn Hill
Chris's Ginger Snap (S820914)
Hunter's Brandy
Gunnerman's Cinnamon Cindy
Gilbert's Vienna Rowdy Lad
Gunnerman's Dyne
Vienna Ladd WC
Sir Chips Of Tonka
Maycock's Buck ***
Nugget of Mecca ***
Maycock's Rusty ***
Maycock's Ruff And Reddy ***
Rex Of Woodside
Maycock's Duke ***
M L's Lucky Penny **
Maycock's Sparks
Golden Red Wing (SA388328)
Gunnermans Proper OD
AFC Sunshine Cake FDHF
Tigathoes Hot Chili WC
Tigathoe's Hot Topic * OD
Tigathoe's Hot Taffy
Am. CH. Tri-Stada Autumn Hugh ***
Tri-Stada Sweet Shot
Holst's Golden Amber
Sheeny Tina
Driver's King-Go-Rex *
Stilrovin Kathy-K OD ***
Stilrovin Hody Hall
Stilrovin Delta Index
FC AFC FTCH Stilrovin Tuppee Tee FDHF (10.5 years)
FC AFC Stilrovin Luke Adew FDHF
FC AFC Stilrovin Savannah Gay FDHF
Stilrovin Jersey Brown **
Stilrovin Far Daw WC
Stilrovin Shantytown
Stilrovin Whitey Barker
Stilrovin Doristown
Stilrovin Slip McCabe ***
Tigathoe's Hot Tamale WC
Handjem's Molly Brown
Combahee's Beau Zipper
Tigathoe's Hot Spur
Lady Tam Of Handjem
Lord Boswell Of Handjem
Tigathoes Nickotee **
Can. FTCH Tigathoe's Pekoe Tea Am** (5.5 years)
Tigathoe's Teetotaler ***
Tigathoe's Miss Tee
Tigathoe's Mint Tea
CH Torch of Handjem ***
Princess Tammy Of Handjem
Apollo of Handjem
Tiger Of Handjem **
Am. CH. J's Teeko Of Tigathoe ***

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