Hilo King Of Lava Rock Adventures (AKC SS12575707) Merfy III (AKC SS09787503) Whinnie II (AKC SS12575708) Anastasia Grey Limonlijep SBG Gumdrop Paisley of Goldens4ever (AKC SS09787502) Wednesday Adams Of Silver Butte (AKC SS12575704) | Raimondo Leonor Modesto (AKC SS03471704) Rosella Leandro Mirabel (AKC SS03471703) Rosanna Milagra Liondo (AKC SS03471701) | Goldenfocus Harry Potter (AKC SS10502901) Golden Focus Hermione Granger (Other 3055724) GoldenFocus Harpo Max (Other DK 12450/2013) GoldenFocus Havana Rose (Other DK 12451/2013) Golden Focus Athos | | Salandatterra Emelina Belezza Perfetta (FCI UKU.0196443) Salandatterra Esperanza Animal Luminosa (AKC SR88564001 (4-16)) Salandatterra Ernestina Bright Angel | IntCh, MultCh, ChSK, GrChSK, ChSRB, GrChSR, ChUA Evidog Kasino (UKU0185060) Evidog Kiwi Evidog Kayla (AKC SR70164301 (8-12)) Dutch JCH / VDH-JCH Evidog Kartago RheinlandPfalz-Sieger '13/Jug. Sieger Rostock '11 (FCI NHSB.2816309) | IntShCh,Int&MltCh,SupGrChUa,GrChUa(x3),Mol,Rus Victoria's Secret Vanilla Sky Ua/Rus/Bye/Bul/Mol/Bal/RKF CH,AllUa win'09, JChUa (Other UKU.0004355) MULTICH, ChUA, RU, MAC,MOL,BBB Victoria's Secret Valse of White Angel GRCHMOL,MAC,UA (Other UKU.0004348) ChUA VICTORIA'S SECRET VENTUROSA (Other UKU.0004353) VICTORIA'S SECRET VIGOROSA NOBLE CH UA Victoria's Secret Velocity of the Wind ChUa, Bye, Rus, Mol Victoria's Secret Vanquisher of Hearts (Other UKU.0004346) IntCh, MultCh, GrChUa, ChUa, Bul, Rom, Rus, Mol, Bye Victoria's Secret Valiancy in Me |
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