K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Iron Hill's Greek Shining One Aglaia

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Iron Hill's Greek Shining One Aglaia
Dostaff's Black Tie Required
AmCH MT Meadow Black Eye Affair (OFA LR-139314E24M-PI)
Mtn Meadow Blackwing Affair (OFA Good)
AmCH Kai Den's Black Tie Affair JH WC (OFA LR-84507G28M-T)
Kai Den's Honour Code (OFA Good)
MTN Meadow Its About Time (OFA LR-102896E26F)
MTN Meadow Navigator (OFA LR-102893E26M)
MTN Meadow Molly Cricket
AmCH MTN Meadow Tanks To Arnold (OFA LR-102892E26M)
Feather Downs Affair Lady RN CGC
Trinity's Judgement Day (OFA Good)
Trinity's Titus (OFA LR-149511G35M-NOPI)
Feather Downs Casual Affair
Iron Hill's Water Bearer
Oakdales Dunbar At Penara (OFA LR-168477E24M-PI)
Oakdales Hot N Tangy At Ansar (OFA LR-167958G25M-VPI)
Oakdales Red Tide of Huntfield
Little River Redheaded Stranger (OFA LR-150027G24M-PI)
Windfall's Redbuds Of Oakdale (OFA LR-107138G24F-T)
Can. CH Bayou Bend Standing Ovation WC, CGC (OFA LR-160609G30M-NOPI)
BIS, BISS Am/Can CH Aquarius Centercourt Delight JH, WC (OFA LR-111594E27M-PI)
MTN Meadow Amazing Grace (OFA LR-126251E24F-NOPI)
Am.Ch. MTN Meadow Bearly Necessary

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