
Golden Retriever

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Merah Of Truell Pond

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Merah Of Truell Pond (AKC SA644491 (10/70))
Gretlaw's Tango of Truell Pond (AKC SA653111 (11-71))
Featherquest Truell Pond Boy (AKC SA730499 (8/1970))
Am. CH. Truell Pond Lucy Of Liberator CD OD WC (AKC SA636208 (9-71))
Am. CH. Synspur Irah Of Featherquest (AKC SA372001 (8/1967))
Synspur Chandra
Synspur Stolford Andriscus (Other KCSB 1909AZ)
Stolford Andalucia
Eng. SH. CH. Samdor Stolford Samarkand (KCSB 2574AV)
Eng. SH. CH. Stolford Samala
Stolford Samaden
Samdor Stolford Smarkland
Stolford Contessa
Synspur Sally (Other 984 AV)
Synspur Benjamin
Fordvale Bobbie Of Hughenden (Other KCSB 893AQ)
Eng. CH. Fordvale Gay Moonlynne
Fordvale Ranger (KCSB 2008AQ)
Juno Too Of Pandorainn
Am. CH. Truell Pond Pele CD (AKC SA293418 (3/66))
Am. CH. Maple Leaf's Trace-O-Copper OS (AKC SA-281178 (11/66))
Am. CH. Maple Leaf's Copper (AKC SA284475 (11/1966))
Am./Can./Bda. CH. Brynmar's Millicent Am. CD OD (AKC SA-567449 (9/70))
Am. CH. Maple Leaf's Golden Lancer (AKC SA623088 (2/1971))
Am./Can./Bda./Mex./Col. CH. Beckwith's Copper Coin OS SDHF (AKC SA076391 (1/1964))
Beckwith's Golden Blaze CD (AKC S924320 (10/1960))
Veno's Vixen CD (AKC S961237 (10/60))
Am. CH. Veno's Vagabond (AKC S961246 (6/1961))
Am. CH. Veno's T.N.T. (AKC SA-025610-12/63)
Veno's Tom Boy (AKC SA025619 (7/61))
Am. CH. Veno's Tidal Wave SDHF (AKC SA025611 (8/61))
Am. CH. Veno's Sugar Lump (AKC SA-197616-12/63)
Veno's Take Off (AKC SA-25616-6/62)
Am. CH. Maple Leaf's Princess Pat OD (AKC SA175925)
Hilltop's Richland George (AKC SA203679 (4/69))
Hilltop's Peter (AKC SA787301 (2-72))
Am. CH. Hilltop's Sir Rusty Dewar (AKC SA-181180-9/66)
Indian Knoll's Weetomp (AKC SA031155 (1/63))
Hilltop's Golden Ace (AKC SA107856 (7/62))
Indian Knoll's Soyazhe (AKC SA031151 (11/62))
Indian Knoll's Paji (AKC SA-31154-10/62)
Hilltop's Gold Dust OD (AKC SA155106 (1/63))
Am. CH. King Chocki Of Hilltop (AKC SA135913 (9/67))
Hilltop's Highland Fling (AKC SA155105 (1/1963))
Am. CH. Hilltop's Honey Debutante CD (AKC SA155107 (10/1964))
Am. CH. Hilltop's Sir George CD (AKC SA136235 (8/63))

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