
Golden Retriever

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Seasons Golden Ballet Belle

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Seasons Golden Ballet Belle (OFA GR-EL52796F24-VPI)
Seasons Golden Seafarer Shanty
Am GCH Goldstreak Forever Stealin Home BN CGC DJ DS (OFA GR-EL29040M24-VPI)
CanCH Goldstreak Foreverirestablfors (OFA GR-EL29255F25VPI)
CanCH Goldstreak Forever Temps Fate (OFA GR-EL29215M25-VPI)
Can Ch. Goldstreak ForeverMischievious (OFA GR-EL28958F24-VPI)
Goldstreak Amberview Allure (OFA GR-EL30491F32-VPI)
AmCH Goldstreak Foreverillegaluturn (OFA GR-EL29003M24-VPI)
BIS BISS BVISS Am GCH CH Rush Hill's All Fools On Deck SDHF OS (OFA GR-EL13561M24-PI)
Rush Hill's Nobody's Fool
Rush Hill's Who's the Fool Now (OFA GR-EL14310M28-PI)
Am CH Rush Hill's Foolish Pleasure OS (OFA GR-EL7142M24-PI)
Am CH Rush Hill's Spectacular Bid (OFA GR-EL7188M24-PI)
Am/Int CH Rush Hill's Next Seattle Slew (OFA GR-EL7136M24-PI)
Am.Ch. Rush Hill's Winning Colors (OFA GR-EL7162F24-PI)
Rush Hills Derby Darlin
Rush Hill's Northern Dancer
Am CH Rush Hill's Crime Of Passion OD (OFA GR-EL3648-T)
Rush Hill's Passion Fur Fashion (OFA SN57426705)
Rush Hills Island Gypsy
Rush Hill's In The Heat Of Passion
Am.GCh./Can GCh. Amberview's Cocktails N Dreams OD (OFA GR-EL23317F24-VPI)
Can. Ch. Amberview Follow Your Dreams OD (OFA GR-EL23797F27-VPI)
Amberview's Hawaiian Dancer
Amberview Dirty Dancing (OFA GR-EL25972M24-VPI)
Amberview's Pretty In Pink2nd
Amberview Some Fools Dream
Can. Ch. Stormynights Amberview Passion (OVC 0033642)
CanCH Stormynights Peachykeen B Fare CGN
Stormynights Mon Petite Chou (OVC 33964)
Can. Ch. Amberview Klaasem Cha Cha Cha (OVC 0035367)
Amberview A Fool And His Money (OFA GREL2067540M-VPI)
IntCh Seasons Golden Kurtzi (OFA GR-EL44055F24-VPI)
Lord Boden Of The Manor House (OFA GR-EL44289M25-VPI)
Int. Ch Copperfield's In High Command
Int Ch Seasons Golden Fine Finesse (OFA GR-EL32425F24-VPI)
Int'l CH Seasons Golden Ambience (OFA GR-EL32424F24-VPI)
Glaciers Summer In The City (OFA GR-EL37379M46-VPI)
Glacier Summer Raine (OFA GR-EL33282F29-VPI)
Glaciers Summer Romance
Kor CH Glaciers Heroine In The Titanic
CanCH Glaciers-Millstones Pride, Honor & Dignity (OFA GR-EL32524M24-VPI)
Multi BIS BISS Am GCHS CH Summits The Titanic OS SDHF (OFA GR-EL21863M24-VPI)
Summit Sombra's No Small Affair
CH Summits Carrera Something To Talk About (OFA GR-EL22058F24-VPI)
Summits Conair
Summits Pretty Women
Am CH Summits Annecy The Rock (OFA GR-EL22056M26-VPI)
Am CH Glaciers Summer Wheat (OFA GR-EL25756F25-VPI)
Int'l CH Glacier-Millstones Semper Fidelis UCICB
KOR Ch Glaciers Journey to Ocean Palace
Glaciers Guinness Extra Stout
Millstones Annie Get Your Gun (OFA GR-EL38403F27-VPI)
Millstones Flying High
Millstones Arrivin' In Style CGCA
Millstones A Rocki Landing
Millstones-Windstar's Arrivin In Style
Can. CH. Millstones Do You Believe In Santa (OFA GR-EL32523M25-VPI)
Millstones I Can'T Help Myself CGC (OFA GR-EL32549F25-VPI)
Millstones-Grandview Up On The Roof Top Vixen (OFA GR-EL32765F26-VPI)
Glaciers-Millstones From Norma Jean To Fame (OFA GR-EL30739F24-VPI)
Glacier Son Of Flee Buddy Mccaffrey
Glaciers-Millstones Breakfast at Tiffany's
Glacier Winning Ticketatcopperfields (OFA GR-EL30574F25-VPI)
Glaciers Million Dollar Baby

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