
Golden Retriever

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Lulhangold Ka Pai Jarrah

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Lulhangold Ka Pai Jarrah
Lukhangold Champagne Charli (3/3)
Lukhangold Rumba Reddington
Lukhangold Last Tango (4/4)
Lukhangold Bollerro Brock
Lukhangold I love Lucy
Lukhangold Pink Flamingo
Lukhangold Salsa Sadie
Lukhangold Rock n Roll Roxy
Lukhangold Tanqueray Daisy
Lukhangold Whero Lilly
Lukhangold Kalokula Gin
Lukhangold Ka'Ula
Lukhangold Lexington Rex
Lukhan Golden Oakley
Kaliko II (OFA GR-100678G25M-VPI)
Sungold The Factor (OFA GR-114722G50M-VPI)
Lonestar Runmedown Tim
Golden Horizon Ashley
Sungold Jolie Gabriella
Sungold Trifecta OS (OFA GR-89587G25M-PI)
Trifecta's SK Cruiser CDX RAE JH
Trifecta's Bette She Will JH
Trifecta's Will He or Won't He (OFA GR-51132G30M)
Trifecta Rudy's GoldBarr JH, WC (OFA GR-44277G29F)
Trifecta's Bet On Me *** OD (OFA GR-69961E29F-T)
Culynwood Trifecta Foto FNSH **
Trifecta Ruby Ridge Showdown JH, WC
Trifecta Thanewood Rebekah JH, WC
Sungold Glenhaven Flame (OFA GR-96934G31F-PI)
Gophers Made by Sungold Elves
Millers Wapsiebottom Max
Sungold Madison River (OFA GR-94955F27F-NOPI)
Hunter Loepfe
Mcallister Creeks Raging River
Birch Glen Colter
FC AFC Glenhaven HTRS MN Baronet MH OS FDHF (OFA GR-61044G24M-T)
Hunters Moon Bodacious Gold
Hunter's Moon Shan's Brandywine
Waterfowler's Golden Bailey
Dixie's Bit O'Hunter's Moon
MACH Glenhaven Htrs Mn Hat Trick MH MXG MJB2 WCX ** ADHF AAD JM EAC EJC OGC (OFA GR-61043G24M-T)
Sungold Jessie's Jamie (OFA GR-85397F26F-PI)
Sungold Jessright Copper
Mk's Tripin Timber (OFA GR-86649F24F-PI)
Cody's Rocky Mountain Magic
Zomarick Lady Delta
Harricana Rebel de Mereloie Can MH (OFA GR-79261G24M-PI)
Mais de Mereloie CanJH (OFA GR-79188G24F-PI)
Ambertrail's Repeat After Me Can. WCX *** (OFA GR-71056G24M-VPI)
Ambertrail's Rosco Is Reddy Can CDX Am CD
Ambertrail's Aheka Aim Hi (OFA GR-73631G32F-PI)
Ambertrail's Tie Breaker CD RA MH *** (OFA GR-71363G24M-PI)
Ambertrail's Happy Heatleader (B1)
Ambertrail Joy's Pool Position (A0)
Redstorm Mackie de Mereloie (OFA GR-47145G24F-T)
Redstorm's Autumn Breeze Can *** MH WCX (OFA GR-55368G25F-T)
Redstorm's Hammertown Gal Can. WCX MH / NAHRA MH (OFA GR-47454G25F-T)
Redstorm's Jesse D'urfe (OFA GR-56024G27M-T)
Redstorm's Miramichy's Ben
Redstorms Kiss My Attitude *** (OFA GR-47271F24M-T)
Redstorm's Give Me A Chance CanJH (OFA GR-60691G40M-T)
Redstorm's Sweet Revenge (OFA GR-59864E38F-T)
Zomarick Lady Osa
Zomarick Watertide
Zomarick Sir Buckenheim First
Zomarick Lady Kodi
Zomarick Sir Murpheous
Zomarick Lady Seibel
Zomarick Lady Tesoro Maya (OFA GR-104379F30F-PI)
Zomarick Sir Ned
Zomarick Sir Bentley
Zomarick Lady Cannelle
Zomarick Lady La?ka
Zomarick Lady Saga
Zomarick Sir Malik
GMH HRCH UH Tidewaters Weekend Gladiator Can/Am CD WCX MH CCA OS (OFA GR-78732E33M-PI)
Lady Bess't of Zomarick WC, JH (OFA GR-96840G24F-VPI)
Zomarick Sir Redworth CGN, WCI, SH (OFA GR-96816G24M-PI)
Zomarick's Sherlock
Soya de Zomarick
Timothy de Zomarick
Belle de Zomarick
Lilly Rose de Zomarick
Angie de Zomarick CD (OFA GR-96817G25F-PI)
Zomarick Lady Kamelia
Zomarick Sir Sirius
Zomarick Sir Duck Feather
Zomarick Lady Frida
Zomarick Lady Agatha
Lady's Spice of Zomarick (OFA GR-100311G24F-PI)
Zomarick Lady Flavia
Zomarick Sir Logan
Zomarick Lady Mistelle
Zomarick Lady Kalehua JH
Zomarick Sir Dudeley JH
Zomarick Lady Little Moose Lil
Zomarick Sir Titus
Zomarick Sir Tuuk
Zomarick Sir Hunter Buckingham
Zomarick Sir Chesterfield
Zomarick Sir Brandy
Zomarick Sir Fahrenheit
Zomarick sir Obie

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