
Golden Retriever

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Amber vom Hillersbachtal

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Amber vom Hillersbachtal
Aiko vom Hillersbachtal (0/0)
Amazing Monty von Hillersbachtal
Anko-Avelino vom Hillersbachtal
Aries Pepper vom Hillersbachtal
Aylo vom Hillersbachtal
Abby vom Hillersbachtal (0/0)
Amy vom Hillersbachtal (0/0)
Amazing Monty vom Hillersbachtal
Lemon Star Famous Gold (0 / 0 (GRSK 19.08.16))
C.I.E., Ch UA, ChBUL, ChMOL, JChUA, JChMOL,BES, JGrChUA, JGrChMOL Lemon Juice Famous Gold Grand Ch UA (FCI 0)
CH Ro Lemon Rose Famous Gold (0/0)
SKJCh. Lemon Queen Famous Gold (FCI 0/0)
Int Sh Ch + Dutch Ch + Lux + German VDH & Club Ch Herwildy's Michelangelo Club Winner '14, Dutch Jr CH, Luxembourg Jr CH (0-0)
Roxali DaVinchi At Ritzilyn (0/0)
Roxali Kiki Kaboom
Roxali Dixie D'lite
CH Herwildy's Sugar Sugar Baby JW '05 CW '07 NJK
Herwildy's Sacrefide
JChPL,JChCZ,SlovakJW?13,ClubJW?14, Ch CZ, SK Heart and Soul Famous Gold (0/0)
Heartbreaker Famous Gold (0/0)
HJCH, ROJCH, SBJCH, ROCH, HCH, Int SH CH, Vice EW'21 Heartbeat Famous Gold CW'17 (0/0, OCD Clear)
JCH CZ Heart of Prince Famous Gold (0/0)
Heart for Izabel Famous Gold (ED 0:0)
Happy Heart Famous Gold
Lawpark Spellcaster (0)
Lawpark Spellmaker
Lawpark Spellbinder
Lawpark Simone at Drombeg
Lawpark Spellbreaker (0:0)
C.I.B, C.I.E., Multi Jch.,Multi Ch., Grandch.CZ, SK Flying Heart Famous Gold (0/0)
CH CZ Flying dog Famous Gold (0/0)
Flying F?k Famous Gold (FCI 0/0)
Xena vom Hillersbachtal (0/0)
Xir Henry vom Hillersbachtal (0/0)
X-Man-Milo vom Hillersbachtal (0/0)
Xazou vom Hillersbachtal (0/0)
Xella-Sophie vom Hillersbachtal (0/0)
Xeni vom Hillersbachtal (0/0)
Xera-Lilith vom Hillersbachtal (0/0)
Xira-Bonnie vom Hillersbachtal (0/0)
Haakon vom Hillersbachtal (0/0)
Harry Samy vom Hillersbachtal (0/0)
Harvey vom Hillersbachtal (0/0)
Helios Sunny vom Hillersbachtal (0/0)
Hendrik vom Hillersbachtal (0/0)
Henry vom Hillersbachtal (0/0)
Hannah vom Hillersbachtal (0/0)
Happy Laika vom Hillersbachtal (0/0)
Hasca vom Hillersbachtal (0/0)
Forever Love Jack van Spokendam (0/0)
Free Willy van Spokendam
Amanda vom Hillersbachtal (0/GF)
Artego vom Hillersbachtal (0/0)
Aischa vom Hillersbachtal
Amira vom Hillersbachtal
Arco vom Hillersbachtal (0/0)
Alex vom Hillersbachtal
Aaron vom Hillersbachtal (0/0)
Aico vom Hillersbachtal (0/0)
Ulani vom Hillersbachtal (GF/GF)
Umar-Chase vom Hillersbachtal (0/0)
Ursilas vom Hillersbachtal (0/0)
Ulfilas vom Hillersbachtal (0/0)
Ulinus vom Hillersbachtal (0/0)
Ulrico vom Hillersbachtal (0/0)
Uri-Carlo vom Hillersbachtal (0/0)
Urs-Balou vom Hillersbachtal (0/0)
Uma-Rose vom Hillersbachtal (0/0)
IntCH, JCH Rafael iz Sokolinogo Gnezda (BVA 0/0)
ChRus,ChNKP Zhar-Ptitsa Iz Sokolinogo Gnezda (ED-0)
EST, LV, LT, Balt JCH RASHEL IZ SOKOLINOGO GNEZDA Tallinn JW13, Tallinn W13 (00)
Jun.Ch.Rus,Ch.Rus Raduga iz Sokolinogo Gnezda (OFA GR-EL29577F-26-VPI)
ChRUS Zhozefina iz Sokolinogo Gnezda
CH J Rus CH Rus GRAND CH Rus J CW 4xCW CH BLR Risling Iz Sokolinogo Gnezda FT-Duck (FCI 0)
Qwendy vom Hillersbachtal (0/0)
Quandor vom Hillersbachtal (0/0)
Quentin vom Hillersbachtal (0/0)
Qarlotta vom Hillersbachtal (0/0)
Qlovely com Hillersbachtal (0/0)
Queen vom Hillersbachtal (0/0)
Quiet-Carla vom Hillersbachtal (0/0)
Qumaya vom Hillersbachtal (0/0)
Qlovely vom Hillersbachtal (0/0)

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