
Golden Retriever

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Sir Gastone I

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Sir Gastone I
Mister Jack
Honey Pie (LO13131005)
Axel (LO13130994)
Willy Wonka (LO13130996)
Me Two Times
Granroche Keen-Wits
It.Ch.Int.Ch. Royal Crest Gold-n Eye of Cyclone (15 years)
Royal Crest Gold-n Tidalwave
Granroche Classicfashion
Granroche Classicart
Royal Crest Gold-N Hark the Herald Angel (9.5 years)
Alveston Turbulent
Royal Crest Gold-N Moviestar
Royal Crest Gold-N Basic Instinct for alveston
Royal Crest Gold-n Forget me not
Arg Ch Royal Brekfast at Tiffany
Royal Crest Gold-n SailorBoy
Lucyintheskywithdiamonds (LO10113706)
Maciarot Pradibosco
Maciarot Piancavallo
Maciarot Tundra Ch Rip
Maciarot Savana
EW''05, Multi.Ch. Arko vom Rheingauer Forst
Alpha vom Rheingauer Forst
Akila vom Rheingauer Forst
Alina vom Rheingauer Forst
Italian / Int Show CH Taiga du Pays Sauvage
Terre de Sienne du Pays Sauvage
Timok du Pays Sauvage
J.CH Ultime Mistral du Pays Sauvage
Astrid (LO0892952)
Thomas (LO0656763)
Duna Della Tesorella

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