
Golden Retriever

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Benito (LO1517279)

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Benito (LO1517279) (FCI LO1517279)
It. CH, It. JCH, San Marino JCH Harvest Moon (LO09126696) (FCI LO09126696)
Moonstruck (LO09126705) (FCI 09/126705)
Moonstruck (della Val D'Aveto)
Double Willow Make Good (FCI 04101611)
IT CH,Jun IT CH Double Willow Good Gracious
Ch Rip Double Willow Good Mood
CH. INT.LE GIOV.PROM.ENCI Dreamylake Khios'Shell To Roche
DreamyLake Kritisbay to Roche (FCI LO0184854)
It.Ch. Double Willow Be Happy (FCI LOI)
Int'l CH F- Double Willow Lunarossa
Double Willow Sunrise (FCI LO03130262)
Double Willow Sunlight
WW-00 EuW-00 FinW-99 ITW-00 PLW-00 C.I.B. Fi Ch Lorinford Harlequin Top Winning Golden 1999&2000 in Finland (FCI SF02124/93)
Lorinford Holly Hobble (Other KC Reg. S3694207S03)
Lorinford Halfpenny At Hydanthe (Other KCSB 4185CJ)
Lorinford Leona (Other KC Reg. T5608406T04)
Royal Crest Gold-n What the Hell
It.Ch.Int.Ch Royal Crest Gold-N Hot Damn (Other LO0043848)
Maple Tree Zinniaflower (FCI LO0840966)
Maple Tree Zephirjewel (FCI 08/40975)
Champion della Tenuta degli Highlanders (Other LOI05/79482)
Eng Sh Ch, Int/Dutch/VDH/Ger/Nord/Swed Ch Sequins Shamrock WW'08, EW'04, 06, Vice-EW'07, JEW'03, Club winner (FCI N.H.S.B. 2430987)
Vice-EW'07, Luxembourg & VDH & German CH Sequins Sycamore Bundes Siegerin '07 (FCI 2430992)
Sequins Sallow
Sequins Savory
Sequins Seaweed
JEW'03 Kukkola Rewind for Highlanders (Other LO02134996)
Kukkola Ruby On My Mind
Kukkola Revolution Antica Casa
Kukkola Rollover to Royal Sky
Kukkola Rare Rose (Other Loi 02 134997)
Master Game To Maple Tree (FCI 02/115156)
It. Ch. / Ch. Rip./ Int. Ch. Sandsroche Time (Other L.O.I. 02/115158)
Tellmeyourdreams (FCI LO02115149)
Windmills (LO02115160) (FCI LO02115160)
Starshinedown (LO02115148) (FCI LO02115148)
IT.J.CH.CH.RIPR. Midnightmemories (FCI LO02115161)
Trialer, Int Ch, Fr/Lux/Nd/VDH Ch Beeangee Jumping Jack Flash (FCI LOF 16537/2493)
Beeangee Jive Bunny (Other KcReg W 2351305 W02)
VDH/Lux./Int. CH. Beeangee Jack Of All Trades (Other Belgium hips: B)
Norw. CH. Beeangee Jack In The Box
Beeangee Jemima Puddle Duck (Other KC Reg. W2351301W02)
Beeangee Jack The Lad (Other KC Reg. Y2289008Y02)
Justdoit (LO9970639) (FCI LO9970639)

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