
Golden Retriever

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Timberbash's Grand Royal

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Timberbash's Grand Royal
BISS GCHS CH Timberbash's Cork Country Bubbles BISS
Timberbash's Blueberry Bubble
Timberbash's Seelbach Cocktail
Timberbash's Aperol Spritz
Timberbash's Pop-The-Cork Celebration
BPIS GCH CH Kingsgold Guilty As Zin FTI WC RATI
Kingsgold MB-Zee Best Is Yet To Come
Kingsgold Puck Zamboni
Kingsgold Zeek And Ye Shall Find
Kingsgold Zippity Do Dah Dandy
Kingsgold Zillion Dollar Baby
Kingsgold Ruby Zahara
UKC International CH Kingsgold Coastal Zephyr RN CCA
BISS GCH CH Windsong's Timberbash Powder King RN BVISS
Windsong's Dreamland Express RAE2 CD CCA CGC
Windsong's Golden Kona Brew CD RN
Windsong Tamarack Jubilee RN
Windsong Benuolio
Windsong Oliver North
BISS Am. CH. Smithaven's Amber Brew RE AX OAJ NF OS NAC NGC TN-N CGC
Am. CH. Smithaven Amber Sun Rising CGC
Smithaven Amber Waves O'Grain AX, AXJ, NAP, NJP, TT, CGC, CCA
Smithaven's Amber Skye CD JH WC CCA
Windsong's Flying For Me RN
Kingsgold Yesterday's Child FTI CCA
Kingsgold Yesterday's Hero
Kingsgold Yeibichai Woman The Dancing Queen
Kingsgold Yellow Brick Road
Kingsgold Yonder Mountain Child
AmGCH/CanGCH Goldtreve Sydney Traveler
Aust Ch Goldtreve Bella Rose
Goldtreve Suga N Spicy
Aust Neut Ch Goldtreve Dreamweaver
CH. Abelard On Walkabout To Kingsgold
Abelard CompassRose TimTam
BISS Am UKC CH Chuckanut's Captain Kangaroo JH; Can WC
Abelard n Snowtree's Walk About
BISS GCH CH Timberbash's Corkscrew Gully
Timberbash's Painter Boy
Timberbash's Squaw Valley Mtn Meadow
Timberbash's Wild Irishman
Timberbash's Jabberwocky
Timberbash's Steamboat Outlaw
Timberbash's Wild Fire
Am CH Krishna-Crystal Glen Hell Of A Dream BN RA
GCH CH Krishna's Dream For The Hell Of It OD
AmGCH CH/Can CH Crystal Glens Hell Freezes Over RE OS SDHF
Desertheir's Cold Day In Hell
Krishna Ruffles Have Ridges CCA, OD
BVIS CH Golden Grahams Hot Summer Nights At Timberbash BVISS
BISS GCH CH Cross Creek's Timberbash Hot Shot BVISS
Nat & Int CH. UKC CH. Cross Creek Hot Dayam CD RE NA CCA
Cross Creek Hot ToMolly
Golden Grahams Royal Sasha

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