
Golden Retriever

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Resolute Dixieland Delight JH

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Resolute Dixieland Delight JH (OFA GR-EL49802F28-VPI)
HRCH Resolute Red King Of Texas (OFA GR-EL4895M24-VPI)
Resolute Wasatch's Desert Rosie
Resolute Ready For Stickpond
Resolute Twisted Pines Kodiak Bear
GRHRCH(6) Runs Creek's Be Ready For Yeti HOF MH MNH OS HTHF *** (OFA GR-EL27444M26-VPI)
HRCH Runs Creek's Lady Abigail SH
HRCH Runs Creek's Ready To Rumble MH
Runs Creek's Faith Under Fire (OFA GR-EL27123F24-VPI)
GRHRCH Runs Creek Lexi Will Bee Ready MH (OFA GR-EL31785F50-VPI)
GRHRCH Will E. B. Ready MH OS
White Gold Lacy (OFA GR-EL16611F50-PI)
Wild Miss Scout
Elite's One And Only Belle
Poplar Corner Kate E Bell
(3x) GRHRCH Will E Hunt MH
Sunray's Golden Chivas
GRHRCH Cedarpond Kachina MH
Cedarpond Farley CanWCI
Cedarpond Dixie Chic
Cedarpond's Skip Away ***
HRCH UH Runs Creek's Meant To Be OD (OFA GR-EL20175F50-VPI)
HRCH UH Runs Creek's Show Me The Money (OFA GR-EL20155M36-VPI)
Princess Glenn Bailey
Young's Princess Of Payne
C&J Queen Gailene
Highbrass Fives Last Boy Scout
HRCH Knight Payne Stewart
Princess Julia Mae
Rusty Balinger Dude
Hudson XIII
Princess Nicole of Nicolet
GRHRCH UH Young's Princess Gabrielle
Libby's Bonafide Boogie Man
Sauvie's Sweet Andi Line
Boogie's Jazzmine of Charlton MH OD (OFA GR-EL4370F29-PI)
Charlton's Benjamin Barley CDX RE
HRCH Wasatch's Resolute Cassie UH (OFA GR-EL34589F33-VPI)
HR Wasatch's True Blue MH (OFA GR-EL39353M40-VPI)
HRCH Wasatch's Lillian Grace MH (OFA GR-EL39308F26-VPI)
HR MHR Ranger's Red Desert Banger MH** WCX (OFA GR-EL24458M26-VPI)
Muddler Of Gadwall Bay
HR UH Rangers Lilhammer Red Desert Hotstuf SH WCX CGC (OFA GR-EL26948F39-VPI)
HRCH Copper Hill Jetson Reed Fohr SH WCX
Semper Hot Magenta (OFA GR-EL24686F27-VPI)
MHR Ranger's Red Desert Jackie ** WCX (OFA GR-EL24495F26-VPI)
FC AFC Steeple Hill Ranger OS FDHF (OFA GR-EL6962M34-PI)
Escapade Punch MH50 MNR WCX ** HTHF (OFA GR-EL15283M33-PI)
Hermans Dream Chaser Red MH
Mocha Marauder (OFA GR-EL7504F38-PI)
Greenfields Bearlyafordable (OFA GR-EL9173M25-PI)
Pogue's Smokin' Red Rocket
Red Lodge's Steep and Deep **
Red Lodge's Powder Hound
Escapade Red ***
Satchabrat MH MNH OD (OFA GR-EL9001F24-PI)
Jaco's Red Desert Cider WCX *** OD (OFA GR-EL18937F51-PI)
Houston's Feel'N Froggy
Master's Roll Of The Dice MH WCX
Tangelo Stardust
Jaco's Red Desert Chester JH (OFA GT-EL14217M24-NOPI)
Scout Stary Skye
Casey Molly Staton Chandler
Master's Shining Star SH (OFA GR-EL14355F26-PI)
Windrushs Piper At The Gates
HRCH Wasatch's Up N At Em SH (OFA GR-EL25636F55-PI)
HRCH Wasatch's Double R Nothin WCX (OFA GR-EL25637M55-PI)
Wasatch's Red Jet Crash
Wasatch's Amber Spike SH WC
Wasatch's Heartstrings MH **
HR Wasatch's Red Desert Gunner SH (OFA GR-EL28085M24M-VPI)
Wasatch's Red Desert Libby
HRCH Wasatch's Red Desert Rainy MH WCX *** (OFA GR-EL20168M25-PI)
Wasatch's Jackson
Yeagers Hudson Bay Paffrath
HRCH Wasatch's Golden Spike ** OS (OFA GR-EL5502M25-PI)
Wasatch's Sail Away Sally (OFA GR-EL5501F25-PI)
Wasatch's West Rio Sunset JH
Wasatch's Mighty Malone (OFA GR-EL5503M25-PI)
HRCH Wasatch's Juniper Red OD (OFA GR-EL10580F24-PI)
Wood Dale Wasatch Iced Golden Rum JH WC RN
Wasatch's Blackhorse Redhot *** (OFA GR-EL10588M24-PI)

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