
Golden Retriever

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Am Ch Trinity's Adventure Bound

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Am Ch Trinity's Adventure Bound
BISS Am CH Trinity's Sweet, Smooth & Sassy
Am CH Trinity Scion Because I'm Happy
MBISS GCHS Sandpiper's Pursuit Of Happiness SDHF, OS, BISS
CH Sandpiper's Yankee Doodle Dandy
CH Sandpiper's Bright Stripes N Bright Stars WC
BISS BIS GCHP Sandpiper's Let Freedom Ring SDHF OS
CH Sandpiper's Song of Freedom RN
BIS BISS Am GCH Rush Hill Run'n Amuck at Abelard OA OAJ AXP AJP NFP WC VCX SDHF OS
Rush Hill's Run Skooter Run
Rush Hill's Runnin Down Adream
Phil Ch Rush Hill's Run'n the Show
Am CH Boitanos Band on the Run to Abelard OS
Ch. Boitano's the Band Plays on
BIS BISS Am Can CH Goodtime's Run For The Roses SDHF OD
CH Goodtime Born In The USA
CH Goodtime's NYC Serenade
Am. CH. Goodtime's Code Red At Voyager RN AX AXJ NF WC VCX
Goodtime's Secret Garden
Goodtime's Golden Wonder
Goodtime, Waterford E Street
Goodtime's Human Touch
CH Goodtime's Glory Days OD
CH. Goodtime I'm On Fire OA OAJ
BISS CH Avalor Sandpiper Tickled Pink OD SDHF
Avalors Teal Or No Deal
Avalor's Pink Floyd
CH Avalor's Gold Digger
Avalors Silver Lining
BIS BISS CH Carrera Strike The Gold SDHF OS
Am CH Carrera Inspiration Strikes BN RN OD
Carrera Strike For Peace
Am CH Carrera Strikes Again
CH Sandpiper's Extraordinhare
Am. CH Sandpiper's Broken Arrow
Sandpiper's Someone Special OD
CH Sandpiper's Hot L'Eggs OD
CH Sandpiper's Forever Young
BISS GCH Sandpiper's Blondes Have More Fun OD, SDHF
Am-Can CH Sandpipers My F'Hare Lady BVISS
BIS BISS GCH Sandpipers Give'M H Harry SDHF, OS
Am CH Scion Haute Couture at Trinity JH, OD
CH Scion GoldRox Haute Streak
Scion In Haute Water
MBIS MBISS MBVISS GCHG Gemini Fallchase The Butler Did It OS SDHF BISS CGC (#1 Golden Retriever 2011)
Int CH Fallchase Gemini Perfect Timing
BIS BISS Am CH Rush Hill's Winner Take All SDHF OS
Duckabush Take Cooper Pride CD RE MX MXJ AXP MJP NFP
CH Fallchase Gemini Markquise Diamond NAJ OD CGC
Int'l Ch Fallchase Gemini's High Stakes
Fallchase Magic Marker
CH Fallchase Tucker The Remarkable CD
Am CH/MBIS Int CH Fallchase Mile Marker BOSS
Am CH Honeykyst Keeping Biz Z At Scion
HoneyKyst Just You Wait And Z
BIS/BISS Can./Am. Ch. Klaasem's Zoom Zoom Zoom Can. SDHF, Can./Am. OS
Klaasems R You Ready To Rumble
Prospector Klaasem U R The One
BIS Am/Can Ch Klaasem's Hubba Hubba Hubba OS SDHF
Klaasem's Yadda Yadda Yadda
Klaasem What Legends R Made Of
HoneyKyst Southern Breeze CGC
Honeykyst Southern Belle

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