
Golden Retriever

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GSR's Stars N Stripes CGCA CGCU TKA

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

GSR's Stars N Stripes CGCA CGCU TKA
GSR's Down By The River
GCH Gemini's Wonder Boy SH, WC, CA, BCAT, TKN, DMA
BIS GCH Gemini's Maverick O'Malley
GCHB CH Gemini's Tranquil Rain BCAT CGC TKN
Gemini's Preachin' To The Choir
Gemini's Great Expectations
MBIS MBISS MBVISS GCHG Gemini Fallchase The Butler Did It OS SDHF BISS CGC (#1 Golden Retriever 2011)
Int CH Fallchase Gemini Perfect Timing
Gemini's Gardenpath To Eden
Gardenpath's Rose of Splendor CCA
C-R Gemini's Read All About It JH
C-R Gemini's Read Between the Lines RN
BISJrBrCh BrCh GrBrCh MexCh AmCh Goodtime's O'Brown Sugar
Goodtime's Star Boarder TD
CH Goodtime's O'Riley Is A Factor
CH Goodtime's Ooh La La
Goodtime's Code of Honor
Am CH Goldentrip Gemini's Abbeyroad
Goldentrip Summitstotheempire
Br. CH Summits Golden Trip To The Top
Am. CH Summits Goldentrip Fully Loaded
Am CH KOR CH Summits Goldentrip In The Know
CH Summits Glenloch Pale Rider
Am CH Summits Goldentripinthelineofduty OS
Am. CH Summitsgoldentrip U Know It
GSR's Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken CGCA CGCU TKA
AM. GCH AM/UKC CH. Chateau's Spit N Polish RN, CGC
Chateau's Polished CD
RBIS Can Ch Eirene's Gone Fishin' SDHF, OS
Eirene's Until Tomorrow
CH. Sunwind's Every Trick In The Book
BPISS Can. Ch. Sunwind Bowbells Every Obsession
Sunwind Shes Everything To Me
Sunwind's Every Fantasy
Sunwind BluWater EveryEndeavor
Sunwind's Everlasting Love
Int Nat CH GSR's Stealing The Spotlight CGCA CGCU
GAm.Can.U-GR.Int'l.Nat'l.Ch. Chateau's Heartbeat Of The Ocean BISS
Chateau's Jazzin To The Beat
GCH Chateau's Leroy Jethro Beats All CCA
Chateau Xcelerate The Beat Box
Chateau Watermark's Gidget's Got the Beat!
Intl Natl UKC CH Magnolia's Spice Up Your Life CGCA CGCU
Magnolia Red Hot Chili Pepper

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