Sequins Serge (FCI NHSB 3184440) sequins shalloon | Sequins Showdown (FCI NHSB3000182) Sequins Sweepstakes Sequins Startingprice Sequins Studpoker | C.I.E. , SE/DK/LT/LV/EE/BAL CH, NL VCH Majik Finders Keepers DKW-11 (Other FIN10716/07) C.I.E,LV CH, NO CH, LT CH Majik Fashion Victim Eu.Jun.Winner 2008 MAJIK FIELD DAY | | SEQUINS SHARPLESS Sequins Slynn (FCI LO0944949) JEW'09 Sequins Selborne Sequins Sheldon Sequins Seccombe | Eng Sh Ch, Int/Dutch/VDH/Ger/Nord/Swed Ch Sequins Shamrock WW'08, EW'04, 06, Vice-EW'07, JEW'03, Club winner (FCI N.H.S.B. 2430987) Vice-EW'07, Luxembourg & VDH & German CH Sequins Sycamore Bundes Siegerin '07 (FCI 2430992) Sequins Sallow Sequins Savory Sequins Seaweed | Arctic Gold du Pays de Boheme (NHSB 2691533) EW'09, Lux, German/VDH JCh, German/VDH Ch, Swe Ch Artic Light du Pays de Boheme NordW, FinW, Sieger Leipzig, Bundes Sieger |
| Sequins Sabe Sequins Sache | Dutch Ch Jerrabomberra v.d. Beerse Hoeve Parramatta v.d. Beerse Hoeve | | Mathilda of the Hellacious Acres MATTHEW OF THE HELLACIOUS ACRES Swiss Ch, Int Ch, C.I.B. Mitchell of the Hellacious Acres (FCI LOF 115720/13184) Morwenna of the Hellacious Acres Morisson of the Hellacious Acres | ICh, Fr.Ch, German, VDH, Lux. Ch, Lux. JCh Inassicas Coriander UCH Inassicas Wild Tulip | Int, VDH, German, Swe, Lux, Dutch Ch. Martha of the Hellacious Acres (Other 2469952 - Dutch) Victoria of the Hellacious Acres (Other NHSB 2352550) Marcella of the Hellacious Acres |