
Golden Retriever

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GCH.CH.Ch.JCHI chilestolz serenna

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

GCH.CH.Ch.JCHI chilestolz serenna
CH CHI. CH JOV. CHI. chilestolz sam junior
Wolfs Hunter Goldenlegacy trip
Ch Golden Legacy Wolfs Hunter Bali
Wolf's Hunter Goldenlegacy Summer Fly
BR Golden Legacy Wolfs hunter Jazz
Golden Legacy Enzo Wolf's Hunter
golden legacy wolf's hunter life
BR Golden Legacy Wolf's Hunter Song
MBIS Ar Br Pan CH Nautilus Fox Mulder
Nautilus Rodolfo Un Reno
Nautilus Chloe
Am.Ch Nautilus White Christmas (OFA GR-90438F27M-PI)
Am CH Nautilus Vanilla Ice OS (OFA GR-74953G24M-PI)
Nautilus Cappuchino Commotion
Nautilus Weall Scream Fricecream
Am CH Nautilus White Cliffs Winner (OFA GR-72903G35F-NOPI)
Ur.Br.Ch. Nautilus Summer Sunrise
Nautilus Twin-Beau-D Paradise (OFA GR-67820F25F-T)
Nautilus National Lampoon
Nautilus Briggs' Blu Topaz (OFA GR-68499F32F-T)
Am. CH Nautilus King of the Jungle (OFA GR-74290G29M)
Am. Int. CH Nautilus Scotlandyard Bobby (OFA GR-69831G24M-T)
CH Nautilus Mercedes Benz Rule (OFA GR-66202G27F-T)
Nautilus Taramegs Surfer Gal (OFA GR-74574G26F-PI)
Nautilus People R Talking
Nautilus Kamio Anna And The King (OFA GR-75560F29F-NOPI)
AmCH Nautilus Fabulous Kisser (OFA GR-70773G24F-NOPI)
Nautilus Crown Victoria
AmCH Nautilus National Anthem (OFA GR-64713F30M-T)
Nautilus Ryvawin Rolls Royce (OFA GR-75694G58M-PI)
Nautilus National Velvet (OFA GR-65195F31F)
BISS Am. CH Nautilus Flirt In The Jaguar OD (OFA GR-65410F24F-T)
CH Nautilus Heart of the Ocean
Am CH Nautilus King Neptune BISS OS (OFA GR-56553F24M)
Nautilus Catch Of The Day (OFA GR-56779G24M-T)
Nautilus G'Wood Shrimpcocktail (GR-56934G24F-T)
Br GCH CH Int Pan CH Nautilus Pikaboo Street
Nautilus Mystar Shrimpscampi (OFA GR-57050F24F-T)
Nautilus Labyrinth Eddie
Ch. Nautilus Rock Lobster Newberg
Ur.Br.Ch.Gr.Ch.Bras Nautilus Walking On Sunshine
Am. CH Nautilus Fabulous Thunderbird OD (OFA GR-51668F28F-T)
Nautilus Tug Thunderbolt
Nautilus Thunderins Renagade
Nautilus Distant Thunder
Nautilus Cameron Apple Jacks
Nautilus Newport Just Right
Nautilus Toryglen Cheerios (OFA GR-52739G24F-T)
Nautilus Nut -N- Honey (OFA GR-52734F24F)
U-CH AM CH Nautilus Cap'n Crunch CDX AX OAJ OS U-CD AGI (OFA GR-52745F24M-T)
Nautilus Stole My Thunder UD
Nautilus Golden Warrior
Ch. Nautilus Breeze Caymen Acres (OFA GR-50235G24M)
Am. CH. Nautilus Golden Grahams (OFA GR-52702F24M-T)
Nautilus Romancing The Stone (OFA GR-53784G26M)
Nautilus Runnymede Thunderful (OFA GR-50196F24F-T)
Big Patagons Estrella
GCH. CHI. CH. LAT. Woodspoint Indiana
CH Woodspoint One Of Us
Karabeck Darkehaven Dust Me (OFA GR-69855G37F-T)
Woodspoint Name of the Game
Woodspoint Feenando
Karabeck's Driving Ms Maisey
Karabeck's Brioni (OFA GR-65710G24F)
CH. MEX. CH. BR. GR. CH. PAN. CH. INT Woodspoint Rio
CH Tuxedo's Acclaim To Fame OS (OFA GR-39064G32M)
Am. CH Laurell's Inside Trader (OFA GR-42681G25M)
CH Tuxedo's Savannah Encore (OFA GR-36635F24F)
Tuxedo's Rave Review
Tuxedo's Center Stage
Laurell's Capital Gain
Heltzers Mr Ranger
Laurell's Cooperstown Option
Laurell's Across The Board (OFA GR-42981G27M)
Tucker's Line Of Credit
Am. CH Tuxedo's Celebrity OD (OFA GR 36557G24F)
Tuxedo's Standing Ovation CDX (OFA GR-36593E24M)
CH Tuxedo's Leading Man (OFA GR-36825G25M)
Devoe Woodspoint Hot To Trot (OFA GR-55857G25F)
Devoe Hot Damm Here I Am (OFA GR-58260F32M-T)
Devoe Starr's Moonbeam CDX (OFA GR-55253G24M)
Dulcinea de Lurra Maitea
Jov Ch Chi Ch Chi Donka de Lurra Maitea
Ch Chi Gr Ch CHI Rockefeller Boss I am BumBum
Rockefeller Cindy Bum Bum
Maira Bosch Aliste

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