
Golden Retriever

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Fern Hill Robin Goes West

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Fern Hill Robin Goes West
Fern Hill Callie Theodore Strub
Fern Hill Back Home Again CGC
FernHill Finna Make Bella Proud
Fern Hill Don't Let Me Down
Fern Hill Fiona McCool SH
SHR Fern Hill Jessie's Girl Rae JH OA OAJ SWD SWME
Fern Hill Triple Echo Remy MH
Bravhart KC Run For The Border MH QA2 WCX OS
Swan River's Got My Mojo Work'n (10.5 years)
BravHart's Call To Freedom **
BravHart Maverick's All A Twitter CD RA SH WCX CCA (10 years)
Wildfire Bravhart Mighty Mo MH **
Bravhart Urban Cowboy *** (6 years)
Semper Wiley Reilly Of Bravhart MH ** OD CCA
Topbrass Montana Lonesome Dove *** OS (10 years)
Topbrass Lightnin Strikes Gold *** OD
HR Topbrass Fieldgold Isabella SH (12.5 years)
Topbrass Southern Star MH OD ***
Topbrass Blackriver Mac Attack
Topbrass What's On Tap
Topbrass Floden's Pawziah MH (3 years)
Topbrass Goldengirl Roxy
Topbrass Mischief Maker MH WCX OD (15.5 years)
Topbrass Fast Pitch
Topbrass Miss Independent **
Topbrass Gotta Lovett CD RE MH64 AX AXJ OF *** WCX CCA VCX HTHF (13.5 years)
Wraith's Topbrass Dundee MH MNQ ***
Topbrass Razzmatazz II MH WCX ***
FC Wraiths HTR MN Bro Macdhuibh OS (14.5 years)
Hunters Moon Lady Trapps LKS
Hunter's Moon Nightcap MH **
Hunter's Moon Sonoma Scout
Hunters Moon Stolichnaya
Hunter's Moon Holly
Ronakers Hunter's Moon Kate II
Wraith's HNTRS MN Mac Dhuibh
Hunters Moon Arctic Phelpsie
Quailoaks Hunter's Moon Kassi CD SH WCX
Hunters Moon Slam Duncan
Gypsy Darwin Anderson
Hunter's Moon Trick 'R Treat JH
Hunter's Moon Rugby SH
Hunter's Moon Kestrel SH (12 years)
Hunters Moon Kkkkatie Foord MH ***
Hunters Moon Tam O Shanter ** OD (12 years)
Hunter's Moon Mighty McTavit *** (3.5 years)
Hunter's Moon Travel Charlie Am-Can *** (8.5 years)
AFC Wraith's Hunter's Moon Kirby MH WCX
AFC Topbrass Pawsability OD FDHF (14.5 years)
Topbrass Feather Fetcher
Topbrass Outlaw MH (12.5 years)
Topbrass New Millennium *** (15 years)
Topbrass Nouveau Belle
Topbrass Madison
Topbrass Vintage Luke
FC Ruby Redfish Mo's Mountain Gem WCX OD (13.5 years)
Utopian Red Bluff
HRCH Mo's Red Desert Dawn MH WCX
HR Master's A Fine Time Lucille SH WCX
Bigwoods Mighty Mazy Mo SH OD
Wingdancer Mo's Miracle On Ice VCD2 UD MH MX MXJ *** OD
FC AFC Windbreakers Mighty Mo OS FDHF (15 years)
Windbreakers Ocean Pacific WC
Mallardiths Rowdy JH
FC AFC Windbreakers Smoke'n Zigzag OD FDHF (11 years)
Tartan Windbreaker
Windbreaker's Gold Huntress
Windbreaker Echo Of Topbrass *** OD
FTCH AFTCH CanOTCH Windbreaker Bulrush Buddy Can FDHF Am CDX OS (11.5 years)
Windbreakers Shuttle Express MH
Smoke'n Red's Howlin Mad
Frisbies Enchanted Case-Y ***
Sharham's Flash Of Gold ***
NAFTCH FTCH Brasdor's Razzl Dazzl Am. *** OD Can. FDHF (12.5 years)
Dusty's Golden Destiny **
Windbreaker's Smoke'n Top Gun
Windbreakers Desert Dust *** OD
FC AFC Topbrass Windbreaker Zap OS FDHF
FTCH Windbreakers Khaki Kipp Am *** Can. CDX
Frisbies Olympia Gold ** OS
Windbreakers Red Smoke ***
Windbreakers Pandemonium ***
Windbreaker's Scout's Honor ***
Windbreakers Smoken Sunrise WCX *** (6 years)
Windbreakers Pestuous Gale SH
Windbreakers Sparklen Saber
Tigathoe's Burnout
Hot Shot Sugar Britches
Windbreakers Razzle Dazzle
Razz's Smoke'n Dixie Belle
Smoke'n Red's Southern Comfort
Smoke 'N Red Raider ***
MHR Sunshine Otis Spunkmeyer MH WCX *** (13.5 years)
Windbreakers Magic Carpet JH
Windbreaker's Roxy Roller WCX ***
Whitecloud's Golden Grace OD
Fern Hill Sunday At The Zoo MH OD
Fern Hill Panda's Sunday Player MH WCX
Fern Hill Rowan At The Crossroads (6 years)
Fern Hill Missy J Bonner MH WCX
Fern Hill Sleet (2 years)
Fern Hill I Love Lucy
Fern Hill Sunday In The Park
Fern Hill Rip Roarin Riley Boy
HR Fern Hill's Most Valuable Player CDX, SH, WCX, CCA, CGC (7.5 years)
Fern Hill Panda's Sunday Best MH MAH WCX **
AFC The Sunday Swimmer OS FDHF (12 years)
Goldstar Ethan *** OS
Red Coyote's Lone Star Spirit MFB,AX,MXJ,MJPB.T2B,MG,SJ,AR,AS,EAC,TN-E,WV-O,OJC,CGC,DM (14 years)
Bop Bop's Rug-ged Red Hot 'N Blue JH
HRCH Steep Hill's Remington of Goldstrike
GMH UH HRCH Heads Up Firefox MH WCX (14.5 years)
Gingrocks Kokopelli Of Rck WCX *** OD (13.5 years)
OTCH Goldstar Micah UDX OM2 ***
Little Red Corvette II OD
SHR Broken Sky's Little Echo
Coyote Red **
FC AFC Steeple Hill Ranger OS FDHF (12.5 years)
Escapade Punch MH50 MNR WCX ** HTHF
Hermans Dream Chaser Red MH
Mocha Marauder
Greenfields Bearlyafordable
Pogue's Smokin' Red Rocket
Red Lodge's Steep and Deep **
Red Lodge's Powder Hound
Escapade Red ***
Satchabrat MH MNH OD
Jacos' Lady Sings The Blues *** OD (11 years)
Frisbies Rocket Roll ***
Thistle Rocks Molly II
Fern Hill Pandemonium MH WCX OD
Fern Hill Scout (10.5 years)
Fern Hill Knoxville's Gold
Fern Hill Molly
Fern Hill Theodore Robert (8 years)
Fern Hill Charlotte (11.5 years)
Fern Hill Pilot in Command
UH Trifecta's Shag-edelic CD MH CCA WCX *** VCX OS (12 years)
Trifecta's Gambler ***, CCA
Fern Hill Pennyroyal CDX RE JH CGC TDI NAP (13 years)
Young's Rusty Speaker of Fernhill MH (12 years)
Fern Hill's Big Red Trooper (7 years)
Fernhill's Wild Ryde CDX RA JH (12 years)
Bruce XX (10 years)
Johnny Cash of Fernhill
Reilly Aceofspies Of Fernhill (13.5 years)
Fern Hill Hunter MH (8.5 years)
Sedona Sunrise of Fern Hill SH, WC, CGC (14.5 years)
Fernhill's Sizzlin' Red Hot MX MXJ CCA (14 years)
Fernhill Abby Rose (13.5 years)
Fernhill's Hard Charging Chief (9 years)
Princess Elizabeth of Fernhill (9.5 years)
Rain Beaux of Fern Hill (8.5 years)
Fernhill Gandalf's Beau JH (14.5 years)
Fern Hill Jenna Lenhard (11.5 years)
Fernhill Athena Joy (11 years)

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