
Golden Retriever

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Welcome to my life Awell

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Welcome to my life Awell
Welcome to my life Ashanti
Welcome to my life Apache Fortis
Welcome to my life Aoibheann
Welcome to my life Amber
DK VCH Vesterlyng's Token Of Clyde
Vesterlyng's Claudy
Vesterlyng's Cosmo
Vesterlyng's Duke
Vesterlyng's Fighter
Vesterlyng's Mango
Vesterlyng's Marco
Vesterlyng's Odin
Vesterlyng's Tjalfe
Vesterlyng's Token Of Luna
Vesterlyng's Zeus
DK.BR.CH Clockburn Clooneen
Clockburn Clonevin
Clockburn Cloonouragh
Clockburn Coolcran
Clockburn Curcullen
Clockburn Killacorrane
Clockburn Craghderry
F.T.W Greenfoot Rum
Greenfoot Fetlar
Greenfoot Ritz
F.T.W Clockburn Commotion
Clockburn Chorus
Respons Kramiga Kexnougat-Ten
Respons Kramiga Kamrat-Ten
Gainwill Marchall
Gainwill Dorka
S FT CH, S & DK CH Respons Vinjett-Ten
Respons Vindpust-ten
Nimble Taiga my Melodie of Golden Spirit
Nino my Melodie of Golden Spirit
Norris my Melodie of Golden Spirit
Nigel my Melodie of Golden Spirit
Nilsson my Melodie of Golden Spirit
Nash my Melodie of Golden Spirit
Nelson my Melodie of Golden Spirit
Naluna my Melodie of Golden Spirit
Nashota my Melodie of Golden Spirit
Athos of enchanted garden
Arragon's Fellow of enchanted garden
Anemone of enchanted garden
Autumn Fay of enchanted garden
Amazing Benji of enchanted garden
Ashley Bona of enchanted garden
Apple Jack of enchanted garden
Aron of enchanted garden
A brand new day of enchanted garden
SJCH NJCH LP1 Stjärnglimtens Epson
Stjärnglimtens Extasia
Stjärnglimtens Extra
Stonehunter Diamond Luna
DRC-Arbeits-Ch. Stonehunter Dartmore Connor
Stonehunter Dallas Pink Judy
Stonehunter Dante Leroy
Stonehunter Debora Cora
Stonehunter Derby Black
Stonehunter Diana Sammy
Stonehunter DoradoJack
Stonehunter Donna Chaggy
Kimmi my Melodie of Golden Spirit
Kansas my Melodie of Golden Spirit
Keeper my Melodie of Golden Spirit
Kentucky my Melodie of Golden Spirit
Kadin Noah my Melodie of Golden Spirit
Kunibert my Melody of Golden Spirit
Kingston my Melodie of Golden Spirit
Kupa my Melodie of Golden Spirit
Karusha my Melodie of Golden Spirit
Keystone Frigga my Melodie of Golden Spirit
Kimba my Melodie of Golden Spirit
Kena my Melodie of Golden Spirit
FTCH Baverasen's Zeb
B?verasens Zeb
B?ver?sen's Zalus
B?ver?sen's Zpearow
B?ver?sen's Zalix
B?ver?sen's Zeta
SEJ(j)ch B?ver?sen's Zicoria
B?ver?sen's Zoya
B?ver?sen's Zena
Genna my Melodie of Golden Spirit
Gate My Melodie Of Golden Spirit
Ivar my Melodie of Golden Spirit
Igor My Melodie of Golden Spirit
Ivan Nero My Melodie Of Golden Spirit
Inas My Melodie of Golden Spirit
Ideal Max My Melodie of Golden Spirit
Indiana Jones My Melodie of Golden Spirit
Ima Luna My Melodie of Golden Spirit
Iines My Melodie of Golden Spirit
DKWTCH. DKBRCH Ida Red My Melodie of Golden Spirit
Gerrit My Melodie of Golden Spirit
Grille My Melodie of Golden Spirit
Genny My Melodie of Golden Spirit
Geisha My Melodie of Golden Spirit
Gladys My Melodie Of Golden Spirit
Gipsy My Melodie of Golden Spirit
Gina My Melodie of Golden Spirit
Gill My Melodie of Golden Spirit

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