K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Sonlight?s Miracle In Motion WC, JH

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Sonlight?s Miracle In Motion WC, JH (AKC SR31657101)
AmCH Sonlight's Go For The Gusto JH, WC, CGC (AKC SR44585701)
MBISS Am Can CH Lubberline Martingale (AKC SN77628201 (12-01))
Am CH Hunt Club Clayview Funny Bear (AKC SN67913402)
Hunt Club Clayview Bear It All (AKC SR05397302 (9-04))
Am CH Lenches Teddy Bear (AKC SN46867101)
Lenches Tommy Tucker
Lenches Tessa
Windfall's Stand Up Comic (AKC SN38889907)
Windfall's Braveheart (AKC SN38889903)
Am CH Hennings Mill Lubberline Jib (AKC SN03643807)
Henning Mill Kelleygreen Henna (AKC SN03643802)
Hennings Mill Black Genesis (AKC SN03643803)
Hennings Mill The Big Chill (AKC SN03643810)
Hennings Mill Scandal of Centre Court (AKC SN13846605)
Am CH Scartho Frost (AKC SM97998301)
Scartho April Fern
Am CH Rocheby Rippling Corn (AKC SF877601)
Rocheby Prim N' Proper (Other KCSB 1970CE)
Rocheby Pearl (FCI LCD 95/I0076)
IR ShCh Rocheby Rolling Stone (KC KCSB 0793CF)
Sh Ch Rocheby Popcorn (Other KCSB 0705BZ)
Sh Ch Rocheby Polkadot (KC SB 1935CF)
Rocheby Rolling Home (AKC SN27468208)
Rocheby Royal Mail
Rocheby Cornflower of Amesleagh (FCI S61708/91)
Rocheby Rich Tea
Rocheby Royale Ark
Rocheby Plain'N Simple (AKC SN16890801)
Eng Sh Ch Rocheby Whisky Mac (Other KCSB 0220CF)
Rocheby Butterkist (LOF 70438/11455)
Eng CH Rocheby Royal Oak (Other KCSB 5645BZ)
Rocheby Pride'N Prejudice (VDH LCD 95/I0077)
Rocheby Peaches'n Cream
Sonlight's In Dj's Memory (AKC SN83188301)
AmCH Sonlight's Born To Be Wild (AKC SN55635504)
CH Sonlight's Snow Storm CGC TDI CD (AKC SN55635505)
AmCH Ridge View Frosty The Snoman CD JH (AKC SN36298807)
AmCH Ridge View Avalanche (AKC SN36298803)
Am.Ch. Ridge View Pine Edge Snobiz (AKC SN36298804)
Ridge View Snobound (AKC SN36298810)
Am.Ch. Ridge View Iceman (AKC SN36298806)
Ch Ridge View Kaltrav Snostorm (AKC SN36298805)
AmCH Ridge View Feathrdown Snocap (AKC SN36298802)
Am. CH Ridge View Snodrift JH (AKC SN36298801)
BISS CH Tabatha's Drifter At Dickendall JH (AKC SM93634004)
Am CH Tabatha's Dazzle WC (AKC SM93634001)
AmCH Tabatha's Delectable (AKC SM93634002)
AmCH Pine Edge Ridge View Snobear (AKC SM91906301)
AmCH Pine Edge Paj O'Cedarsprings (AKC SM91906303)
AmCH Pine Edge Jus Bearly Mi Turn (AKC SM91906304)
Sonlight's Wild Thing (AKC SN14752410)
AmCH Sonlight Overnite Express (AKC SN14752415)
Ace of Diamond Katie Sibeca
AmCH Hollidaze Priority Mail (AKC SF910916)
Sonlight Sibeca Liberty (AKC SM79860101)

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