
Golden Retriever

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Joyfirl Girl

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Joyfirl Girl
Tokeida Merry Sprite KCJW
Eng. CH. Tranquillity Token Of Regina
Synspur Stolford Andriscus (Other KCSB 1909AZ)
Stolford Andalucia
Mytonvale Nell Ganna
Eng. CH. Stolford Merienda
Can CH Stolford Martell (CKC EGC914)
Eng. CH. Stolford Sheralee Of Talleego
Stolford Happy Choice
Stolford Bilberry
Stolford Happy Days
Stolford Sheriff (KC B265285B12)
Stolford Madeira
Stolford Sherpa
CanCH Stolford Happy Dreams CD (CKC 960465)
UK Ch Stolford Happy Lad (UKC 0534BE)
Stolford Sherry
Ormesby Tosca
Sally Mae
Westley Phineas
Westley Peregrine Of Dibbinsdale
Westley Peregrin of Dibbensdale
Westley Penelope
Westley Prudence (Other S65245/77)
Westley Joshua (KC SB1318BN)
Westley Knegarens Jenny
Westley Jemima
Eng. Ch. Westley Victoria (Other KCSB 1687BK)
Buttercup Steppes Jessica

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