K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Lembas I Am Moana

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Lembas I Am Moana
BISS Am GCH Can CH Paradocs Bellwether Heath
Paradocs Bellwether Meadow View
MBISS AmGCH BOSS CanCH Paradocs Obsidian (13 years)
Paradocs Jasmine Bay
Am/CanCH Paradocs Hunterleigh Quinn
Paradocs Danica
AmGCH Dry Creek Paradocs Onyx
Bellwether Crosslots to Paradocs
AmCH Crosslot's Prussian Blue
MBISS Am Can CH Paradocs Tabatha's Caillou
Am CH Nirvana's Bebiche
Nirvana's Blue Lotus
GB ShCh Lembas Go Gentle (JW)
Sandylands Gentle Touch At Lembas (14.5 years)
Sandylands Gypsy Rose At Debylyn
Sandylands Grace
Sandylands Guiding Star
Eng SH CH Sandylands Gad-About
Sandylands Gratitude
Sh Ch Sandylands Gracia
Sandylands Grateful
Sandylands Star Shine
Am.Ch. Sandylands Star Trend
Sandylands Star Quest
Sh Ch Lembas Mamma Mia JW (13.5 years)
GB ShCh Lembas Chiquitita JW (10.5 years)
GB ShCh Lembas Super Trouper
Lembas Name of the Game at Millerdan ShCM
Lembas Take A Chance On Me At Ryedown
Lembas Top Ranking JW (14 years)
Lembas Santa Lucia
Lembas Misty Morning (13.5 years)
Carpenny Wonder With Lembas (9.5 years)
Carpenny Westerham
Carpenny Worth It for Suttonpark

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